Chapter 36 - Edmond and another

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The mysterious man's voice was deep and playful, rather energetic. I couldn't see his face properly due to the dark alley way and the hood that hid his face except for his cheeky looking smile. I squinted my eyes to adjust my eyesight in this dark area. 'God damn these eyes. My original eyes were used to the dark. At least God should have given me night vision goggles.'

"A woman with a peculiar dagger, please I mean no harm" he had a playful smile. 'He seems rather calm. Fishy if you ask me. He is plotting so-' I felt the earth beneath me rumble. 'This bastard is an earth user'

I saw him flick a finger, but he was too late because I already knew what he was planning just by feeling the earth beneath me. Thanks Takashi-sensei once again.

I leaped back, sliding back against the dirt. The earth where I stood rose up instantly clutching at the air like cage but was unable to catch me. The mysterious man whistled in amusement. "Someone with skills. I like it"

"But how did you know the earth beneath you was going to catch you." He asked.

"Coincidental guess" I lied not wanting him to know that I'm actually able to feel the earth not with magic of course.

He didn't say anything and was quite for a second when suddenly he gasped. "Diana?"

I froze in shock. 'Oh shit'

He started chuckling "I can't believe I stumble upon the runaway noble" he whipped a tear.

I had my Kunai in front of me just in case he attacks "Do I know you?" I gripped the handle so tight that my knuckles turned white.

"Hahahah. Your so funny Diana". I sweat dropped. "I'm serious, I don't know you" I repeated myself.

"This guy is even more mentally unstable then your are Artemis" Homura said from behind.

"Oh, I see you got an animal companion." He looked behind me in curiosity "Odd. I thought you despised animals and called them dirty creatures that disappear from the face of the earth" he scratched his head in confusion.

Homura gasped loudly. "No. You. Did. NOT". 'That was Diana, not me' that's what I wanted to tell him, but this stupid guy is here. "How could you hate on us beautiful creatures. Is it because we have a better life then you vile parasites? Huh! Huh!"

'Great. Now I have to listen to him complain about God knows how long. Thanks to you, fucking douche bag' I gritted my teeth quietly, tempted to shove this kunai up his ass crack.

"Artemis, Diana whatever your dumb name is. I can't believe I trusted you" he started with his dramatic act again.

"It looks like that little fox is offended" he mocked. "I'm very much offended" he corrected.

"So, Diana, have you forgotten me already" he crossed his hands. I blinked trying to go through Diana memories, but I could not find a single one that resembled the voice of his, just Damon's. I wanted to gag of how obsessed this bitch was with the crown prince of Aurum. 'It's a shame you didn't have a bed sheet and pillows with his face on them' I thought sarcastically.

"How am I supposed to forget if I haven't seen your face yet" I asked.

I saw a hint of a smile beneath his hood. Slowly stretching out his hand, he pulled the hood down revealing his identity. He had soft silky looking brown hair that matched the colour of a healthy-looking tree, he had sharp facial features making him look really handsome and young. About 20 or 21. His green eyes colour of a rainforest.

He features seem very familiar, but I can't place my finger on it.

"Still can't figure me out or is your head filled with your one sided love with the crown prince" he ridiculed me. My expression changed to a resting face. 'This guy isn't wrong. Diana's memories are filled with Damon and that's pretty much all her thoughts are based on.'

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