Chapter 102 - A freezing and kind gesture

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Jackal crawled on all his four limbs, making his way tiredly to the nearshore of the lake and the water splashing as he stamped his hands down. Streams of water dripped down his hair, trickling down his forehead before returning back to the water. His clothes drenched in cold water that made him shiver the moment he had hit the cool air of Ventus.

The thief coughed out the excess water out from his lungs, breathing in and out heavily as he catches his breath and then to slumped on his back on the hard pebbles of the ground. His hands and legs spread wide open, and his gaze stared up at the clear blue sky that spread wide over the horizon like a blanket, watching the littlest fluffy clouds move slowly to the east while the birds swoop past them.

"I think I swallowed a tiny fish" Jackal mumbled and placed a hand over his stomach, feeling it rise up and down. "I could feel it swimming inside of me" he breathed dryly, face sucked in as he eyes filled with horror just by the thought of a living thing swimming inside of him, building a home as it eats away whatever Jackal consumes, forever.

For the rest of his life.

Even maybe lay eggs and then he will have hundreds of fishes living inside of him. He shivered at the thought of that.

Homura had plopped himself on the pebble floor, beside the kid; his orange fur had turned darker than his original bright orange colour that resembled the flaming embers because of the water that drenched him from tail to snout.

Jackal heard him whimper and growl, not understanding a thing the fox was saying but agreed to whatever it was, but his attention shifted to the sound of footsteps against the pebbles. He identified the sounds as big sis Artemis' high heeled boots that sounded so exotic to him.

He didn't have the strength to get up and only cocked his head back a little to see Artemis standing in front of him. Her posture straight and a hand on the side of her hip while her icy blue eyes that always looked like a winter wonderland resided in those eyes and whenever he stared deeply into them, he felt like he was suddenly locked in endless cold.

She gazed down at him.

Her long silver-white hair flowed gently behind her, and her odd looking dark teal cloak waved like the waves of the calm sea in the same direction of the thousands strands of silver-white.

An eyebrow raised as big sis Artemis began to speak "Did you guys enjoy your bath?" she questioned with a slight sarcasm.

Her expression teased them.

Jackal frowned; his lips twisted to a pout. He didn't know if he was supposed to save Homura from drowning or that he needed a bath or maybe Big Sis Artemis was just messing with him.

He didn't know.

Homura barked at her angrily, yapping and howling which Jackal still didn't understand.

Artemis like always was unfazed by Homura, always avoiding her gaze away from him. It something Jackal had picked up from Artemis' behaviour. The Isvandy would always have the same expressionless and dull expression on her face and her gaze would be away to the side when she knows that she is in the wrong or that someone is exposing her fault before answering with a sarcasm response.

Or when someone does something that she finds stupid or they say something that she finds stupid, Artemis will always look side to side before answering something sarcastic.

Even if he knows his stupid, it's something he figured when being with Artemis for a while. It something he seen her do that showed a habit of behaviour.

"Don't blame me for your foolishness. I tried to save you from the crumbling cliff and yet atlas I had arrived too late to grab a hold of you" Artemis said with dramatic voice she plays whenever she lies to piss off Homura, shaking her head as if she was guilty for actually being late to save him resulting in Homura to snarl bitterly.

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