Chapter 15 - Dragons

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My peaceful slumber was interrupted by the chirping of morning birds. I buried my head under my pillow hoping to block out the noisy birds from outside.

"Daisuke shut those birds up please" I unconsciously called out for my big brother.

There was no answer from my brother making me a little worried. I rose my head from the pillow and turned my head in the direction of the door. My heart ached when the realisation of waking up in a novel was not a dream but reality.

"So, it wasn't a dream after all" I yawned, rubbing my eyes to fully wake me up. I glanced around the fancy decorated medieval room and remembered the events from last night.

'I wonder if Ariana is still in Diana's room'

I slid my legs out from the blanket and got off the big bed, I walked towards the bathroom to wash myself up.

I finished washing up and slid under the same dress as last night since there were no clothes, I was unable to find in the wardrobe that suited my taste.

I made sure the room I used was left like how I entered. Opening the door, I took one last glance at the cleanroom before taking off with my journal in my hand.

I strolled through the huge corridor passing by dozens of maids and butlers paying them no mind as they bowed their heads respectfully, disgust hidden under their bows.

Finally reaching Diana's room and listened carefully for any sign of life in the room. I heard nothing and their presence didn't linger which meant she had already left last night.

'I guess all about having to stay all night was just you blabbering nonsense' I rolled my eyes at the stupid conversation between the maids and Ariana I eavesdropped on last night.

I turned the doorknob with a click, I entered the room like I owned the place which I kind of did since whatever's Diana is technically mine even though I'm inhabiting her body and stealing everything she owns to selfishly find my way home but it's not like she's here to stop me.

I wasn't surprised to see Stella and Lilly dusting off the shelves and patting down the bed.

They quickly paused what they were doing when I stepped in, dropping to a bow, they greeted me a good morning.

"My Lady, Diana where have you been all night? You got us worried sick of your unknown whereabouts" Stella's voice showed concern and worry yet she still couldn't fool me with her fake worried tone. I didn't answer either looked her way, continuing to the reason I came back to Diana's room and that's to change my dress to something else considering the fact the dress nearly tripped me over a couple of times when walking to the library and Diana's room yesterday and today.

"Good morning to you both" I greeted them a morning as well but I was still cold towards them. "Please bring me a new dress for me to wear" I ordered.

"As you wish my lady" they both lowered their heads with courtesy before making their way to the wardrobe in the far corner of the room.

"I want the dress to be simple not over board with ribbons thank you" I told them from across the room where I was sitting on the bed.

Even though I would look through the wardrobe myself, I'm in no mood to go through that vile wardrobe filled with hideous looking dresses that will unreliably over power my perfectly good sense in fashion.

"My lady would you prefer this" Lilly revealed me a pink dress that had a few ribbons and sequence on it. Looking at was revolting. I hate the colour pink; it reminds of me of Barbie having everything in her 'life in the dreamhouse. I shivered in a disgusted manner. 'I was close to walking into the ball dressed like Lady Gaga in the 18th century then to look like a muffin lady now Barbie. I wouldn't be surprised if I had to dress up like a Sexy Kim Kardashian who decided to change her whole wardrobe into a medieval era'

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