Chapter 5 - Fear

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Her heart was racing, it felt like it was going to burst out of her chest. Ariana's heart had never beaten so fast in her life even if it wasn't her first time seeing the prince but it was her first time seeing him in such a handsome and well-mannered state. Her green orbs were captivated by the handsome figure standing in front of her, she couldn't take her eyes off his golden eyes that stared back coldly.

"Your royal highness it's been a while" Duke Marcus greeted with a nod of his head.

"It has, hasn't it Duke" Damon replied, his tone was rather cold but respectful towards the duke of his kingdom.

There was an awkward silence between the two when Alice decided to step in.

"Ariana dear why don't you company the prince on his birthday while your sister arrives" Alice placed a hand on Ariana's shoulder snapping her out of her daze.

"U-uh yes"

Damon rose an eyebrow at the sudden words Alice spoke. 'Diana hasn't arrived yet? Tch what is this vile woman planning now.'

Damon knew that Diana always had a trick up her sleeve to try and steal his heart but none ever worked and it always ended in humiliating her in the process.

He scanned the huge crowd full of perfectly dressed nobles looking for any sign of the most ridiculous dress he can spot that might be Diana.

Nevertheless, he wasn't able to spot her in the crowd. 'so, she hasn't arrived yet. Tsk she better not arrive at all, better for her own good'.

Meanwhile, outside the castle entrance was a woman pacing back and forward, nibbling on her thumb nail.

'This was a bad idea. I knew I should have stayed at the mansion and slept through the whole thing'

Artemis' fear was growing within her making her hands run cold, her heart leaped into her throat blocking the airway making her unable to breath properly.

The sounds of her heavy breathing echoed in her ears while the pounding of heart was loud.

She wasn't even in the midst of the crowd but the sounds and presence of hundreds of people gathering in the hall made her tremble.

The memory of her childhood rushed in her mind causing her to cover her ears blocking the sounds to intrude in.

"Mama" a little girl's watery red eyes scanned the crowd looking for the woman who lost her.

"Look at the child"

"Oh my god she has red eyes"

"shh keep moving don't look her in the eye you might get cursed"

"look a demon child"

"I would rather kill myself then to have a child like her"

"Her mother probably left her because she couldn't bare having a cursed child"

"Mummy where are you" she sobbed quietly covering her ears from the harsh words from the crowd of people passing her.

"I'm scared"

"Diana, Diana" Artemis memories faded away when she heard a voice call Diana's name.

Her icy blue eyes gazed upon the mysterious man standing before her. His glittering silver eyes showing concern towards her. He had white hair that shined under the light of the moon and his snow-white skin beamed with light. He looked like a man in his early 20s, tall figure and his face features were very handsome. His appearance reminded her the description in the novel of the crown prince of Ventus, Neil Volant.

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