Season 3 - The start of the end

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I stood silently in the empty void of the room, slowly darting my eyes for any sign of light but not a single thing to be seen except for the black walls that felt like if I was in a vast room without a wall except for an endless hall.

Not even a sound could be heard.

I glanced down at my hand, the very palm of mine was open, and I stared blankly at it 'Did I die?' I thought to myself.

My mind was blank, and I couldn't think of anything except the question that has been lingering in the back of mind for a while now.

'Did Kaido survive the gun shot?'

A long distressful sigh left my lips, and I closed my palm then to look up and scan my surroundings again. 'Where am I?'

"Hello, is there any living soul inhabiting this dark and sorrowful place?!" I called but to get no response. "I'm not surprised" I scratched the side of my head before walking on an endless walk in the middle of an unknown nowhere.

The sound of my footsteps echoed through, bouncing off the visible walls. It gave me a chilling feeling as if I was some sort of escape room in a horror movie.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a small light. I instantly turned around and my eyes laid upon a small figure that stood silently in the corner. I squinted my eyes to get a better look, long silver wait hair that came down the figures shoulder's and its bangs covered it's face. The figure wore a laced white dress that came down to its knees.

That's when I realised it was a little girl, standing there without a word with her hands gently slumped beside her while a faint glow outlined her figure.

"H-hello?" I was able to mutter after a few seconds of dazed silent. The little girl didn't respond but to slowly turn to the side and walk off without a single hearing of her heels against the ground.

"Hey, wait!" I called out but the little girl did not respond and continued to walk with her back towards me. "Fuck" I mumbled to myself then to run after her.

I had thought I would reach her, but she was suddenly so far away from me, so far that it felt like I was being pulled back while she grew smaller and smaller from my vision before her light disappeared.

"Are you kidding me?" I whispered, searching in the midst of the dark for the little girls light when a sudden innocent giggle sent a shiver up my spine.

"Mhmhmhm" I felt the presence of a little girl pass me and I swiftly turned around, my shaken eyes darting around to see nothing but black.

"I'm not playing these games! Came out!" I shouted. My voice was getting clogged in my throat. This vibe feels like if I'm in some haunted house with a spirit lurking in the shadows. I hate ghost children; they scare the shit out of me.

There it was again, the same chilling giggle that sounded to innocent. Another chilling presence past from behind and I quickly turned around again but to found no one.

"Fuck this shit I'm leaving." I told myself. With a swift turn, I walked back to the direction of where I came from... Well, I hope so since wherever I turn everything is the same that I don't have a clue which way I had come from however it's better then standing there in the presence of that little ghost girl.

"Where are you going?" the whisper of the little girl made my skin crawl.

'Somewhere far away from you of course'

"You cant leave this place unless he lets you"

I froze in my tracks, the sudden feeling of déjà vu crawled up my skin. 'Who?'

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