Chapter 7 - Dream

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Artemis looked around to see the familiar white room.

'Am I dreaming?' She questioned herself as she scanned the area, expecting for the bright light to shine upon her and blind her eyes yet no light appeared.

Instantly the smell of iron pierced her nose. Traumatised from the last time she sensed blood, Artemis jumped back swiftly scanning the ground for the rising blood and the hands to appear from the ground and drag her down however, no matter how long she waited there was nothing.

She looked at her hands, after all the reason the crimson ocean build up last time was because of the dripping blood on her hands.

Artemis panicked when her hands were stained in blood as droplets of blood splattered the white floors. She looked at the ground feeling that this time it's going to happen but then again nothing except for the splat patterned blood.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips.

"Guess God decided to go easy on me for now"

"*sniff sniff* *weep. Weep*" she was interrupted by a weeping of a woman.

Artemis span around, searching for the source of the cry but saw no one.

She walked endlessly in the never-ending white room with the trail of blood following behind her, looking for the woman who was crying yet she could not spot her anywhere in this empty vast room of white.

In a swift, a light blinded Artemis. She squeezed her eyes, using her hand to shelter out the light. She slowly widened her eyes making them adjusted by the bright light. She spotted an entrance at the far of the white room, shining a white rectangular light from it.

Artemis was somehow attracted to the door, she had a feeling the door was calling to her, telling her to walk in. Her gut told her to walk in however her mind refused it, terrified of what might be waiting on the other side.

But then again, her feet seemed to have a mind of its own and started to move towards the entrance.

"*boohoo* *sniff sniff*" the crying was getting louder with each step towards the door.

"I wonder who's crying?"

When she reached the door, Artemis stretched her hand to touch the light that shone out from the door. When her fingertips touched the light a hint of warmth ran up her skin.

'Does this door lead to outside' she wondered, tilting her head in curiosity.

she squinted her eyes to get a better look at the door but the light was vibrant and it burnt her eyes. Artemis quickly covered her eyes stepping back as if she was looking up at the giant ball of hot lava in the sky.

"Fuck, it does lead to outside" she said with a low grunt.

The weeping was louder out there, making her curiosity wonder through her head. She desperately wanted to know who was crying so goddamn loud.

Without a second thought she shut her eyes tightly and jumped through the door.

The was no sound when she landed on the green lushes' grass beneath her black high heeled boots. The warm rays of the sun reflected against her skin warming the icy cool skin of Artemis.

She slowly opened her eyes to see the breath-taking garden filled with dozens of beautiful flowers rowing from roses to blue hydrangea. There were green trees shaped as different animals like flamingos, and horses. There was also a marble statue of a woman like the one of the Greek statues of ancient Greece.

"It looks familiar. have I seen it somewhere before?" she tapped her chin, pondering over the thought but her mind remained blank.

In frustration Artemis ruffled her long jet-black hair, messing it a little. "Shit".

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