Chapter 101 - A Spirit guide

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We moved along the forest path, the clashing of water being our navigator. As we ambled our way through, the sounds of whooshing water became louder, and the path became rocky as we leached closer.

Jackal and Homura followed close by, both of them quite as they kept with my pace.

The rocks beneath us vibrated beneath my feet, it travelled through my body, and I felt it tingle the tips of my fingertips. It was a quick adrenaline that shook my core, an excitement that sparked inner curiosity.

I could hear my own breathing amongst the forest sounds.

I had always wanted to see a waterfall in a fantasy world. There was always something magical about it then the ones seen in the real world. Maybe I will get to see another beautiful creature just like the Kautegris back in Viridis forest.

We soon rounded to the corner and the source of the sound revealed itself. I was breath taken at the sight of what my icy blue eyes had laid upon.

It was like I was seeing silver tear tracks on the wrinkled face of the cliff, plunging into the depths of a paradise-blue pool with its transparent glow as layers of beautiful smooth pebbles which lay at the bottom of the water that flowed beneath the cliff we stood on. Then the water foamed into lather at the base.

The air itself was fresher to breath in and it tasted like fresh flowers in the spring.

The cataract noise echoed loudly through the forest. As I neared, the waterfall seemed to merge into separate strands of liquid fabric. It appeared as if a loom of silver liquid was pouring down the rocks. The noise had become rhythmic. The spray struck the pool's enormous bottom like a thunderclap. It roiled and bubbled down the hillside, boiling and churning. The pool supplied two smaller waterfalls, which were not as loud.

"So pretty" Jackal beamed, his silver eyes glittered like the crystal rays of the sun that danced on the surface of the blue paradise water. His mouth widened in a huge 'o' grin.

"Do you think the water will get dirty if something muddy jumps in?"

My mood dropped the moment Homura questioned something so silly. I could feel my vein throb and my eye twitch. 'Could he not ruin something so wonderful for one moment?'

"Or maybe get yellow if some creature pisses in it?" he continued on while he peeked his head down at the edge of the cliff as his amber eyes stared with curiosity into the paradise water. "It doesn't look that deep either. Would that human brat die if he jumps - AHHHH!"

I watched Homura zip down through the air, screaming loudly that could wake up any hibernating ancient beast from a km radius. His paws wailed around and his howl cursed my name "ARTEMIS YOU-" He didn't get to finished what he was about to say as he plunged into the depths of the blue water with a plop that wasn't loud as the waterfall. Air bubbles arose from the water and popped when it reached the surface.

"Oops, my leg slipped" I said sarcastically then to lower my feet back to the ground. Jackal tensed when my eyes shifted to the side to look at him. His mouth zipped shut, hands instantly making its way to his side like a startled soldier.

"Oh no. Homura is in deep trouble. You must dive in there and save him" I said like a bored yet sarcastic narrator, dull and expressionless.

"B-but-" he stuttered but was interrupted by me.

Crossing my hands against my chest and leaning my hip to the side I said "Training purposes mate"

"Y-you c-can't just tell m-me to do something and say it's for training purposes" he tried to argue with me with the best courage he could muster up.

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