Chapter 113 - Sereia

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Ciel groaned awake from the sound of small bells being constantly rung. His eyes fluttered open to a blur of a figure that hovered above him. He was only half asleep as he squinted his eyes to get a better clear sight of what it was.

His morning vision came to sense, and he was met with a pair of curious blue eyes that stared at him innocently with her index finger rested upon her chin in an analysing manner. Instantly she became flustered, her face turning a bright shade of red that was of embarrassment.

A question mark appeared on top of the keepers head. "Good morning?" he said with his husky morning voice as he rose up in a sitting position. The fairy shyly replied to his good morning with a soft twinkle sound of her bell language.

Ciel's body was stiff like a rock, and his neck was in pain with cramps.

And with the stitched wound on his lower abdomen, it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

Elisaria's bed was far worse than the one from back at his quarters in the barracks.

He groaned painfully, stretching his arms in the sky to hear that satisfying pop of his bones and to ease every part of his muscle. Ciel rubbed the back of his neck and his eyes stared wistfully at his legs that were supposed to be covered in a blanket but wasn't. His chest tightened at the thought of not having Demarcus blowing hot morning breath to wake his sleepy keeper from his slumber.

The golden dragon's giant reptile head that would poking inside his window and snatching the blanket off him with his teeth, to wake Ciel up with the cold morning breeze that would jolt him awake.

To meet those intelligent emerald eyes in the morning, Ciel would give up anything.

And his brother.

Ralph's stupid humour in the early morning as he leans against the door frame with bread in his hand and mug of hot milk in the other as he comments his little brother lazy ass and make fun of his sleeping positions.

Ciel bit his lip to prevent himself from crying. His eyes were already swollen red and all dry from crying everything out last night. His heart was numb, and he felt like shit. Their was no motivation to get up and continue the day. He just wanted to sit here and rot in self-pity.

He looked up to the fairy whose tune of bells was of concerned. Her worried blue eyes that looked at him and the flutter of her wings that flew her closer to Ciel.

Ciel didn't want to worry the fairy over his problems so instead he changed his expression to a smile that hid his pain, and he changed the mood with a question.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked the water fairy.

In a twinkling glee the fairy nodded her head, her bells ringing brightly and her wings fluttering more pixie dust. She looked less concerned about him when he pulled that expression, fooling her to believe that he was ok.

Hearing that the fairy got a good night sleep in this creepy room, the keeper felt a little better. Ciel's true smile appeared on his face, unknowingly hypnotising the fairy "that's good a thing to hear first thing in the morning".

The fairy's face turned brighter, and she slammed her hand to her chest, feeling her tiny heart race faster than before. With a zip and the flutter of her glass like wings, the water fairy flew off like a shooting star and slammed her body against the wood of the bed. She hid herself from the handsome human to ease her thumping heart before his charm gave her a heart attack.

On the other side, Ciel scratched his head in confusion. He didn't know why this fairy was acting all weird in the morning. Could it be just a fairy thing?

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