Chapter 59 - A flower's grave

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"hmm" I felt warm hands suddenly grab a hold of mine, turning around I see the little brat preventing me from going further. Her face was expressionless as she stared at her so-called family. Those familiar icy blue eyes reflected futility and the innocent aura that surrounded her earlier was gone but replaced with butter air. "What do you assume you will accomplish by attacking them?" her voice was cold and threatening.

I stared back speechless. Something about what she said got me to stop the idea of beating the shit out of that man and pouring the hot tea all over that good for nothing slut of a wife of his.

The little has a point. 'What will I achieve by doing it? I just thought since Diana can not get revenge that I will do it for her. Avenge the anger that's bolted up within her. No that's not right. Diana didn't look or sounded angry... Was it me it just me. Was I caught in the act of anger that I didn't see what she wanted?'

"It's definitely not going to change their behaviour towards me. There will still look at me and treat me the same way." The bitterness that came out of her was too much for a child her age to have.

"Nothing will change no matter what I do to get his attention. I'm just an orphaned outcast now with no one but myself to rely on" she let go of my wrist and turned around leaving back to the garden.

"Let's go. I want to see mother and pay my respects to her" my eyes followed her backside, the way her silver hair swayed in the wind and the sudden change of personality made me wonder what kind of treatment and talk she had to endure living with these bastards.

I glanced back at the family that was now leaving to go inside. Watching how happy they were and the smiled they gave each other; it made my gut churn and my blood boil.

'Just you wait. One day I will punch that handsome face of yours and disable your wife's nose. Your just lucky today that I wouldn't get the chance to because of your daughter'

'Duchess Mariana Lancaster' was what engraved on the tombstone. Another similar name I couldn't point out who it was and where I heard it from.

"Father refused to have his last name to be engraved on mother's grave. He never looked at my mother as his wife or a member of the Glacies. To him she was born a Lancaster and dies a Lancaster." Diana stated coldly, those indifferent cold eyes gazed upon her mother's grave as if she was blaming her that she is born, betrayed by her own mother for leaving her only daughter in this empty world filled with despair and loneliness with no one but the shadows that follow behind to accompany the lonely soul.

"This world is far to cruel" she uttered under her breath.

"The world is a cruel place for everything that thrives to survive." I corrected her, resulting in the little brat to look my way.

"A flower can wither away by the slightest change of weather; a prey will have its neck snapped by the predator but in the end, everything grows to adapt and evolve through the situations. The flower will evolve over time to adapt to the certain weather, the prey will learn its way around the predator"

"However we humans are all greedy to survive no matter what. We will kill and betray our trusted family and friends for the soul purpose to live, never learning from the past mistakes and continuing the endless cycle of bloodshed and war for survival"

I glanced at the now grey clouds that formed in the sky, hiding away the sun that provided the light. The feeling of the cold breeze against my skin was felt so surreal as if I wasn't dreaming and was really outside.

I bent down and placed a hand on her shoulder. "That's why you must live to trust no one. Learn to live alone because not everyone will stay. Don't take anything for granted because nothing comes for free and never kneel to anyone but yourself."

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