Chapter 120 - Jackal's Trauma

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Ciel had felt the long hard stares that was boring the side of his head and turned his head to look at me. When he laid his warm gaze and those ocean blue eyes sparkled, he smiled an awkward toothy grin.

"Ahh sorry but is there something on my face?" Ciel asked with embarrassment, his voice hinting his discomfort. 

I blinked back but not bothering to look away from his enchanting eyes that had managed to hypnotise the fairy in thinking I was her enemy. "No, I was just in a daze" I said nonchalantly, my expression emotionless as I crossed my feet and placed my hand on my cheek, bored and annoyed. What's with this world and it's handsome boys? Why can't it donate some to Earth?

His head titled to the side by a little, like a curious puppy. Ciel's ocean eyes watched me silently and before I knew it a little smile perched the corner of his mouth.

"What?" I rose a questionable brow as I crossed my hands against my chest. This dragon man liked to get on my nerves even though it has only been like what? At least 30 minutes since I met him.

"Nothing, I was just in a daze for a moment" the orange handsome man commented back with a cheerfully smile. That prideful look in his eyes when he smiled happily as if he just won an argument between the both of us.

My nose wrinkled in annoyance. 

Ciel realised what he said had annoyed me and he averted his eyes away in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his neck for any sort of distraction. His attempt of trying to do what I did before back to me had failed miserably.

No one in this world can shoot my words back at me and succeed on doing so.

I ignored him and looked over to his shoulder where the little fairy, I forgot her name, sat on his shoulder. Eyeing me dangerously as if she was going to kill me when I go to sleep tonight. In return I stared her down with a calm and unfazed expression.

She twinkled in annoyance and whipped her head away, her nose stuck up in the air.

The audacity of this fairy!

And the power this man holds is terrifying. I must stay away from him as much as possible.

I must run away from him.

We didn't get any further in anything nor spoke about anything else when Jackal slowly rose up, his facial expression was one like someone had seen the terror of war. His face went pale as if he seen a ghost. He didn't move a muscle and sat there quietly while his eyes replayed a scene of horror.

"Oh, look here, the human cub rose from the dead" Homura said sarcastically, rolling his amber eyes in annoyance. "How wonderful to have you back in the realm of the living." He then side eyed Jackal. The cunning fox didn't seem all that happy to see Jackal conscious again. 

That irritation from before came crawling back to light and my lips twisted to a frown as my eye twitched. "You got a lot of explaining to do brat."

Jackal flinched back to reality when he heard me. His terrified gaze locked with my cold blue eyes and tears began to coat his silver eyes. "I'm sorry" he sniffed, lips trembling and his big eyes becoming one like a little whimpering puppy. "I wanted to help but the way the man held himself upon you brought back memories I tried to forget" he attempted to justify himself but his lack of information wasn't getting him anywhere except for my bad side. 

Homura slowly turned his head, giving the kid an expression of horror and confusion. His little snout agape, big enough for a bird to nest in. Ciel on the other hand went deadly silent as he stared into the unknown, face stunned in the that state of realisation while I tried to comprehend what I just heard right now.

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