Chapter 115 - Truth Be Told

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Ciel could not believe his ears.


The keeper of course had nothing against the eldest daughter of the duke, but everyone knows how weak and powerless Diana is. She doesn't even know how to use magic according to the rumours he heard.

Even if she was the daughter of the duke who held most of the power over the people after the King, but the Ministry of Dragons are ruled by the King not the duke. Marcus won't even listen to his daughter whom he neglected and hated since she was born and so does the crown prince who annulled his engagement with her.

She had no power over anything in Argentum. So how was she going to convince them that Demarcus was innocent and to stop this selfish madness?

But it wouldn't make any difference, the people all loved a dragon execution. It was a thrill for them.

It was just an excuse for them to kill a dragon just for the entertainment. They hadn't had one since Pythios execution.

He bit his lip hard, shaking away that awful memory of seeing those dark green eyes of the dragon he once raised, fall into the darkness of death. Pythios who was above all the greatest dragon they had but it was unexpected that he went out of control one day and killed 6 of his friends that day. No one knows why he did what he did, and none ever figured it out.

The ministry of dragon did not deep any further in the case at all and left it as a dragon who had gone berserk.

Yet Ciel could not do anything but watch as his head rolled on the ground, leaving a blood trail behind.

He didn't want the same thing to happen to Demarcus.

"I know what ya may thinking about Marcus' useless daughter but don't let those past rumours have any sort of control over what Diana truly is" Elisaria said while she shoved her hand into her sleeve once again.

Ciel didn't say anything and looked away shamefully. "What are you trying to tell me?" Ciel asked.

Elisaria side glanced at Ciel who was looking down at his feet, she inspected him for a couple of seconds but then to call him over. "Come, come Ciel. There is something ya need to see to understand" she gestured with a hand.

Ciel glanced at Sereia who returned the same gaze and then he shifted his gaze back to Elisaria. She waited patiently for Ciel to come which he did. Ciel slowly strolled his way to the cauldron and stood in front of the witch.

Looking down at the liquid of red water, he gazed deeply into his own wavery reflection. Flaming bright orange hair that was a tad bit messy and his bangs came down to his bright blue eyes. Analysing his face, a bit more he came to realise he didn't look as bad as he thought, not like he never looked at his reflection before, but he just never cared to adore himself in his reflection. It was just a quick glance to make sure he didn't have anything on his face after cleaning the dragon barracks, yet it was never on a mirror, those objects were far too valuable to be lying around a commoners barracks.

It was those wavery reflection of the water that made another image of himself that made he think otherwise. Yet thinking about it, maybe Ralph and the others weren't all talk just to be nice to his feelings.

The water started to swirled in a spiral, his reflection in the mirror breaking apart to form a dark figure that stood tall. His posture high and mighty like a king who would stand upon his subjects. Ciel made out multiple horns stuck out from the figures head, lining to smallest, the biggest being in the middle before descending into smaller ones. Getting a better look at it, Ciel came to see it was a crown upon the shadowed figures head.

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