Chapter 48 - Imposter or not

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Artemis watched how the barracks was getting smaller as Demarcus flew further away. She couldn't help but stare in amazement at how peaceful the town of Aureum is. The palace was remarkably beautiful under the moon.

She looked down at her dangling feet and the forest beneath her.

"Wow" there was excitement in her eyes when she looked at how beautiful the forest beneath her glowed in a light teal colour and overgrown with night flowers.

"Human girl, what kind enchantment did you place on me?" the dragon growled furiously at the human girl that was trapped within his scaly tail. Artemis looked behind her and saw the dragon glaring at her with his glowing green orbs. Her throat went dry. She didn't place any sort of magic at the dragon. She didn't have any knowledge of how to use magic whatsoever.

"I don't know how to use magic" she called out loudly so that he could hear from the sound of the gushing wind that past them quickly.

"Lies" he hissed, puffs of smoke escaping his nostrils. "I don't give shit if you believe me, Demarcus, but I would never use such harmful magic on a dragon or any creature for that matter"

Demarcus felt something was off with her when he first laid eyes on her, yet he couldn't put a claw on what. That lightening that sparked his heart and commanded him to break the chains was not his doing but something else, it was like he was ordered to do it and couldn't refuse. He still couldn't move a single part of his body nor his wings but his head.

No matter how many times he forced himself to turn around and fly back to the barracks there something stopping his body from doing what he asked it to do. He just kept on flying without his will with his wings refusing to let him take charge again.

Demarcus didn't swat his trainers away like that on purpose it was his tail that moved on it's own.

He couldn't grasp on what happened to him however he knew it had to do with the human girl.

'Why can't I move my body? Stupid wings stop flapping'

Artemis wanted to tell Demarcus if he was alright but his grumbles and angry aura surrounding him indicated he was not in the mood to answer her.

"mmmm" Homura groaned, moving his little head side to side. 'Oh shit' Artemis grumbled. Now she has to hear him screaming and whining all over again.

"Where am I?" he slightly opened his eyes. "Filthy human, is that you?" Homura's amber eyes laid on her eyes that looked back at him with a slight guilty smile.

"Bad time to wake up" she said under the grin. Homura stared blankly at her, confused.

"Just don't look down or behind me" she warned. There was a slight groan coming from Demarcus, Homura body froze, and his eyes showed nothing but fear and realisation.

"don't look" she shook her head, knowing he would soon regret looking behind her.

Homura being the snobby fox he is regarded her words and slowly peeked his head out. He spent a few seconds looking at the dragon that was busy gazing into the unknown before moving his head in and staring into Artemis' eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" an ear piecing shriek came out from him awakening the sleeping creatures below and irritating the golden dragon.

Artemis was about to say something to quiet down the terrified fox when suddenly she felt the tail lighten before she was flung up in the air.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" now both, the fox and the human girl were screaming as they were thrown high in the air.

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