Chapter 55 - A mother's heart

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Lykos threw his little sister into the room, she stumbled back and fell on her butt with a thud. Hot and salty tears was streaming down her cheek while she hugged her wrist that was stinging from the burn Lykos gave when dragging her out to the garden so aggressively.

Lykos glare down at her with no guilt of hurting her, the pure anger and humiliation she pulled towards one of the ladies in garden out of anger.

"Do you have no morals. No princess should act the way you did in a measly conversation between two people" he hissed, the flame encircling in his eyes. He wondered how this snotty girl was his sister. No respect, no manners, no common sense, or patience just the bad habit of clinging to Neil and causing such scenes that tarnishes his family name and shaming the royal family of Drakon for raising such ill-mannered crown princess.

"Do you realise what you could have done if I hadn't come in the way. Katherine would have been burnt even worse dead and you would have been charged with murder and I wouldn't be able to get you out of trouble like always" Lykos scolded her with a slash of his hand that left a trail of flame.

"I-I'm s-sorry" she as in a stuttering mess. Bedelia knew she went out of line, but Katherine started so why was she getting scolded for something Katherine provoked her to do.

"There is no sorry, Bedelia. There was none in the beginning." Lykos fisted his hands.

"Does it not go through your thick skull that Neil does not love you or want you. Whatever you try to do he will never look in the direction of such an incompetent, bratty and fool like you" he fumed. "He revolts the sight of you, yet you come back like an annoying bug annoying the shit out of everyone around you."

Bedelia squeezed the hem of her skirt and glared back at him. "You don't understand" she growled.
"There is nothing for me to understand when I witness it myself. Now go home before I decide to kill you myself" he looked at her in revolting manner before the slamming the door shut and leaving her in the room by herself.

"no one does" she hugged cried in her hands. "I just want Neil to see me the way I see him. Why is it so hard?"

"Mother" a pair of beautiful lavender eyes darted to the entrance of the room where Neil stood, a handsome young man with eyes just like his father stared back at her in worry.

"Dear Neil, you startled me" she put a hand on her chest feeling her heart settle down a little from the early jump scare.

"How is Ben?" Neil approached the Empress who sat beside his little brother's bed with her palm on Benjamin's hand.

"He isn't doing well" the tears that she held back betrayed her. Neil embraced his mother with a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder and to wash away the grief she held within her heart for so long.

For the Empress of Ventus she had to keep her head up high for her people even if it meant keeping the agony of her youngest child sickness locked up.

"I have failed as a mother" Arabella wept. "I have failed to protect my youngest son. My dear little boy is suffering all on his own while I watch from the side lines. It should be me on that bed not Benjamin"

The maid and butlers in the room felt their heart sink at the sight of their loving empress cry in despair yet they could not do anything to make her feel better but watch in pure guilt of being useless.

"Mother please don't blame yourself, it was never your fault" Neil comforted her wishing it had been him instead than Benjamin who had gotten sick. He blamed himself for failing as a big brother.

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