Chapter 12 - Accidents may Happen

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I stood in front of the huge oak wooden doors of the library.

Thanks to Diana's memories that I occupied when reincarnating into her body , I was able to direct myself to the library.

"To be able to navigate through this world and understands its dangers, the library is the best place to apply that sort of knowledge" I reminded myself once again.

I opened the huge doors and a loud creaking escaped as it bounced off the walls which probably startled everyone in the whole mansion. 'Damn. How old are these doors? At least oil them once or twice'

Stepping inside the library, I was greeted by the old smell of paper. I took a breath in, inhaling the fresh papery air of the library. 'The only thing in this world that can keep me from going insane'

Books is an excellent source of information in ancient worlds especially since there is no google. Lazy people's new generation of trusty but sometimes backstabbing friend.

I strolled through the old but breathtaking library of the Glacies mansion. 'If this is how a library in medieval mansion looks like I wonder what it will look in the palace? Would it bigger than this one?'

I walked to a section and admired the ancient looking books. 'Beautiful'

Trailing my index finger across the spines of the books, I scanned them searching for the ones I need.

One book in particular caught my interest. The spine read 'Monsters of Myth'. 'I must be in the nonfiction section of the library'

I slid the book from its shelf and examined it thoroughly, tracing my fingers across the title and the sides. I always liked the way ancient books looked, the style and its hard looking covers.

Instantly my senses warned me of an approaching person. I heard its footsteps getting louder and louder. I readied myself in case of an attack but my mind told me it's probably a maid or a librarian.

"My lady-" a book was seen colliding with the old man's forehead with a bang knocking him out cold.

I stood there staring at what I just did to the poor old man. "oops" was all that escaped my mouth. 'I guess my assassin instinct haven't left me at all.' I scratched my chin with my index finger.

I took a big step towards him. Then another. I stood with my hands behind my back beside the old geezer on the floor with a red mark on his head. I poked his waist with the tip of my shoe. "psst. psst you dead?". He didn't answer.

'Did I just kill an old man with a book?' I was shocked myself because I had never killed an old librarian with a book.

'Who cares, he was old anyways. He was going to die sooner or later'.

I looked down at him at again, he lay unconscious with his mouth wide open and eyes shut tightly. "I need to make it look like an accident".

Pinching my chin as I thought of a scenario that will make it look like he died accidently then me killing him.

'Hmmm. Huh' light bulb.

I slid out a few books and placed them on the ground. Some were open, some were closed and some were open faced down.

"There." I dusted off my hands. "Now it will look like he was grabbing a book from the top shelf but a whole pile of book decided to kill him".

'You know what they always say. Accidents may happen in the workplace'

'I'm such a genius' I flicked my silver hair before stepping over the crime scene like it wasn't me who just murdered him with a throw of my book.

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