Chapter 61 - Announcement

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"Father!" I waltzed into my father's office without his permission. I started to tremble when I saw his fierce amber eyes glance towards me for the first time in my life. It was the same gaze he would give to Diana, and I had thought I would never receive that type of look from him, but it seems I was truly wrong.

Standing there in the presence of a former fierce dragon rider with exceptional swordsmanship that glared daggers at you, made my blood run cold and the hair at the back my neck rise.

Suddenly his face softened when his eyes laid upon me. "Ariana" his deep soft voice calmed my heart a little. "Father" tears that I held back came rushing down.

Father rose from his seat in a swift and rushed his way to me and pulled me into a hug. "Tell me Ariana, who made you cry?" he gently rubbed my back in circles.

I hugged him back and cried on his shoulder, letting out all my tears that was burning in the back my eyes. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. A state of misery that I couldn't see the end of the tunnel. "Why are the gods against me father? What have I done to deserve this?" I asked in a mumbling mess.

"If I find whoever made you cry like this, I will kill them with my own bare hands" he fumed with anger.

"Tell me, my sweet child who is it that hurt you?" father placed his hand on my head and started to stroke my hair. "Father is it true his highness is going after Diana in Isvand?" I asked releasing the hug and looking into his wistful amber eyes. Father's eyes reflected guilt and he let out a defeated sigh. "Father, tell me is it true? Please tell me it's all false rumours spread by the people"

He put his soft warm hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes with remorse, it signalled many sad emotions through those amber orbs of his that he did not want to express to me.

"I have no clue on what is happening anymore" he shook his head averting his eyes from me. I burst into more tears, feeling them wet my face and ruin my make up. "Why does she always get what I want? She doesn't deserve him. I do. I love him and she's just obsessed with him"

"I will resolve everything. You let your father fix this"

He kissed my forehead and smiled. "I will do everything in my power to make you happy again"

~Dragon Barracks~

Ciel buckled the saddle on the bright yellow dragon that obediently stood on all his four waiting for the dragon trainer to get on his back. "Ciel, can you hand over the satchel" Ralph asked his brother.

Ciel threw the brown bag that he got from the table and Ralph caught it in mid-air. "Thank you"

"Where do you think he had went?" Ralph spoke trying to ease the awkward silence between them. "I don't have a clue, but I pray to the Gods he didn't go far" Ciel said in worry with a gloomy expression. The bags under his eyes showed that he hadn't got any good sleep after the incident two days ago, especially with the dragons gone restless after what happened to them.

He and the others had spent all night nursing them back to health as none would get up or eat.

The two heard the stable gates rumble open and turned their attention to the iron entrance. Three people had walked in, two wore black metal armour that glimmered from the sun's reflection, helmets that placed on their heads as a red feather hung down from the helmet and a scrawny looking man that walked in front of them as if he was a high class noble.

Ralph crossed his arms and asked Ciel "What are the dark nights doing here? And who is he?"

Ciel stared at them in doubt, the air around them felt uneasy and he didn't like it. "I don't know but lets go find out" he strolled towards them with his brother following beside him.

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