Chapter 117 - Flicker

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Jackal jumped out of his skin from fright. His beating heart racing widely inside his chest.

Artemis's eye twitched with annoyance. How is this kid so stupid? she was literally calling for some assistance to get this guy off of her but instead of helping out, he was standing there like a shaken little lamb. It concerned the assassin for future occurrence. If this kid can't even help her out with a simplest thing, why does she risk her life for this kid by bring him along in the first place?

Seeing how furious his sensei was, made the little thief hide inside the hood of his cloak. "Sorry" he stammered softly.

"An apology isn't gonna cut it brat. I could have been killed and you would have been next" Artemis snapped out angrily. The audacity of this kid to apologise.

"But I didn't" Ciel groaned from beside Artemis, his hand cupping his cock from the shear agony he was feeling. His voice clearly breathless.

"You shut it or the next thing hitting your dick is my blade" Artemis side eyed the orange haired man with irritation. Her cold eyes making him squeak.

"I thought ladies were supposed to be gentle and kind but your so brutal" he moaned, his face facepalming the ground as he spoke.

"I'll be even more of a brutal bitch if you don't keep that cake hole shut" Artemis hissed, twirling the Kunai around her fingers quickly yet gracefully. The handle stopped perfectly in her palm, and she clenched her fingers around the leather bandages of the Kunai.

Ciel's ocean eyes glanced at the leaf shaped blade within her slender fingers that were definitely not for a blade and a nervous sweat broke out. "I take back what I said, your just plain ruthless" his voice muffled, and cheek pressed against the ground when he turned to face her, still in the same position of being on his four, hands cupped his cock. "Killing millions of my children by a span of a second" he said bluntly.

The Kunai span to face the other way, "Then say hello to your deceased babies when you get to paradise, ass hole" she hurled herself at Ciel with the kunai ready to stab him. Immediately Ciel shrieked out of his position and rolled the side, out of the way of the Kunai that could have stabbed him but thrusted deep into the ground.

Artemis' haori flapped in the wind when she landed in his former spot. Her eyes gazed up with a lustful kill in her eyes.

Ciel saw his life flash before his eyes, and he gulped a spit full of salvia down his throat. He looked at the spot where the blade could have thrusted into his flash. "You crazy woman!" Ciel shouted, staggering up from his feet and getting into a defensive stance. "Has the words I mean no harm not processed in your head yet!".

Artemis rose up and titled her head to the side, with a cold a gaze she answered him. "No, it did but I'm pissed that you made me feel so weak. So, I'm just gonna kill you to return my dignity I just lost because of you."

Ciel brows narrowed down, and his jaw tightened. Elisaria had warned him about Artemis' nature, but she never stated that Artemis would kill people whenever she liked. The orange haired keeper clenched his hands into a tight fist and with a spark of his magic, his hand flamed with a lightening of blue fire.

"Don't blame me for doing this but you asked for this". Of course Ciel was not going to kill nor harm her, he already knows the great power this woman wields. it would be too dangerous for him to try to attack her but to just defend himself was all he was going for. 

He hopes. 

The assassin's lips began to twist, forming a devilish smirk in the corner of her lips. How long has it been since she fought a person with magic.

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