Chapter 95 - A Dragon's Terror

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"Father, what is happening?" Mariana questioned with a trembling voice. Sapphire eyes gazing up at her father's sudden pale face. "Father?" with a soft yank of her father's material, Ophir eyes glanced down at his daughters nervous expression. Thin silver eyebrows came down and her lips parted from each other with such a worried glance that gazed up at him.

Ophir placed a hand on the side of Mariana's cheek, caressing it gently with his thumb. "Everything is alright. There is probably a confusion on the situation" his tone was kind and gentle, but Mariana could sense the nervous glint in his sapphire eyes. It was the anxious feeling growing deep in her heart that made her feel uneasy.

Even if Ophir did not show on his face the nervousness he was feeling, Mariana knew her father well enough to see right through him.

The emperor immediately rose up from his icy throne, the colour on his face beginning to drain as the sudden terror began to grow in his eyes. "Impossible," Adrastos mumbled with an icy breath. The ball room became instantly a freezing co ld that none had ever experienced before, it was the terrified cold aura of the king that had frozen the air of the giant ball room.

The nobles began to whisper among themselves, each one theorising their beliefs behind each one's ears or fans.

"What is this servant spouting?"

"Tch, this servant has already ruined our night"

"The mirror never glows on its own before."

"What preposterous nonsense"

"Our glorious night ruined because of this servant."

"Ruining great emperors night with his nonsense. I swear these servants never learn to be humble for one night"

The humble servant continued to keep his head low and firm on the ground, not even to glance up to get a look at the man whose temper is far beyond the line. His sweat could been seen glimmering as it dripped down his pale and shaken face and on to the crystal floor. His whole body trembled in a disturbing pattern that made the Grand duke pity the poor servant who was only doing his job.

Ophir was going to assure the servant well when he was startled by the emperor from behind.

With a deep and booming voice, Adrastos spoke "Show me!" the tone came out like an angry howl of a wolf that sparked fear in the servant's heart.

"Y-yes your highness" finally the servant rose his head by a hunch and when his eyes locked with the death glare the emperor gazed, the trembling servant flinched as a chilling wave came up his spine. Quickly looking down and to stagger up with a shaken body, he bowed his head.

"I-I w-will humbly escort you, your royal majesty" the servant said with a gesture and another bow. Without any hesitation Adrastos marched his way down the few crystal stairs, heels clicking loudly as it bounced from wall to wall. The trail of his long white elegant robe followed behind him like a tail.

Without a panic Ophir stepped forward to follow Adrastos but a sudden gentle pull from his arm made him stop. Sapphire blue eyes glance back to see Mariana in a sudden worried distress. He could so his reflection those glittering blue eyes that begged him to stay with her and not go as if he was following death.

As he examined her delicate face, he smiled. How much his daughter had grown to resemble his deceased beloved wife, Meryn. With a final caress of her warm cheek that fluttered a light pink, Ophir leaned forward and with warm thin lips, he pecked the brow of her daughter. "I'll be alright. Stay here for me, ok".

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