Chapter 8 - Annulment

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I stood in pure disgust of how many ugly dresses that lay on the bed for me to choose from.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Diana your taste in gowns is so bad that even Kim Kardashian left the chat.

"My lady, his highness is waiting for your arrival" Stella said.

I rolled my eyes at her dumb statement. 'No shit sherlock. It's not like he came here to annual my engagement or something'

I glanced back the pile of dresses waiting for me to choose. In second thoughts I should probably send a letter then meet the prince face to face while wearing one of these balloon gowns. I already had trouble walking in the last dress before. I looked like a disabled penguin walking in that thing if it is even a dress. 'God, how do these ancient ladies walk in these tight overbearing dresses without falling? I don't even want to get started on the tight corset'

I sighed. "Fuck this shit I'm going with this muffin dress"

"Darling why don't you play us the new melody you have been working on while we wait on your sister's arrival"

Ariana was flustered by her mother's sudden words. She stole a quick glance from the prince who gazed at her back in curiosity, his jet-black hair styled in a spiky mess making him look like a bad boy, he wore navy blue tuxedo suit to match with his fierce golden eyes. Ariana blushed shyly, hiding her face from the sudden embarrassment.

Ariana fiddled with the hem of her green sleeve. "M-mother I'm still in need of practice" she said shyly.

"It surely doesn't matter whether your playing is greater than the goddess Celia or worse than a child's play" The prince said coldly, his golden eyes locking eyes with her green orbs.

"But whether you can play with the flow of your heart that matters"

A hint of hope enlightens her beating heart, his words may have been cold but with the right words it could melt anyone's heart. Ariana smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you, your highness very much for your words of encouragement"

Damon was stunned by her sweet smile he quickly looked away before he showed any warm emotions to the family.

He cleared his throat. "It's a pleasure"

Alice and Marcus gave each other victorious looks. They did it. Diana's engagement was going to be annulled and their daughter has warmed up to the prince. Soon Ariana will be the next empress of Aureum.

Ariana stood up and walked towards the grand piano that stood in front of the room. She flattened the back of her gown before she took a sit on the cushioned stool.

Ariana stole another glance at the handsome man that sat across the room with his leg crossed over his other leg and sat there staring at her coldly waiting for her to start.

Ariana took a deep breath calming her racing her heart before she started to play.

With a push of a white and black key a sweet melody rung out. She fastened her pace playing the melody of the song she choreographed. The beautiful sounds of the piano echoed the room creating a soothing atmosphere.

Ariana played to her heart content ignoring the pleasing of her parents and the surprised prince which she was trying to impress with her piano skills, something Ariana spent years learning to do as a noble lady.

With the last key pressed and the sound of the melody faded a sudden slow clap was heard.

Everyone looked at each other to see who was clapping yet none were. They turned their heads to see Diana standing in the doorway clapping slowly, her face was expressionless.

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