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Hello my dear wattpad readers, it is I.

Your fabulous, glamorous yet lazy author Yuki, here with something exciting I had received and wanted to share with you all.

Yeah and umm sorry it ain't an update and got all your hopes up but don't worry I'm getting there......

Well barely.

My novel is just standing in the dark corner of my room all forgotten and probably getting covered in dust as it waits patiently for me to write the next chapter but instead it to sees a crusty, musty, oily haired teenager on her bed looking all dead and tired as she watches Alex Meyers review horrible netflix or disney channel shows or movies and rant about how awful riverdale was.


I have been watching that guy for like what? six days in a row, morning to night without stopping.

What can I say? that guy is hilarious and I enjoy watching him.

You people should go check him out, his so funny that I lose my shit and laugh hysterically at 3 am in the morning and probably piss my parents off when they are trying to sleep.


My bad.

I can't help myself.

But hey, I'll start writing the next chapter of the story.......

Once I decide to get my shit together and pause my obsession of Alex Meyers for one day.


Probably won't happen for a while but oh well I know you guys are very patient and that's what makes me love about my readers.

Anyway, enough about my crusty musty ass self and time to move on to the real reason why I'm writing this.

As you people had read the title, yes I received my first FANART from a very dear reader of mine.

I had got consent from the person to show to everyone, of course. I wouldn't show it if the person doesn't feel comfortable having their amazing work shown to a hundred random strangers around the world.

Either way I want flex it to everyone here and rub it on people faces and go *BOOM* I GOT FANART MUAHAHAH SUCK ON THAT PEOPL-

I'm kidding, I won't do that.

I'm not that kind of person.....

Well half the time BUT the point is I got Fanart and I had never thought I would reach that level of love or fandom or whatever it's called, from a reader.

*Sniff Sniff*

Don't me, just crying in the corner over here.

It's just so heart warming and it's so beautiful and I can't stop staring at it.

I remember when I had received like the sketch of it, I was waiting for the school bus. When I saw it, I can't explain how happy I was. I looked like the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland and people were looking at me weirdly because I was literally staring at my phone with a sacriest, sadistic looking smile.

Though some must have thought I was stalking my non-existing boyfriend and drooling at his non existing abbs like a fucking obsessed psycho and then just turn to the person next to me like a drug addicted creep and go 'Wanna see my boyfriend? His hot' or They thought some guy probably asked me out like 7:30 in the morning.


You people have wild fantasies.

I'm too ugly to be asked out from some dude or have a boyfriend not to mention that all the boys in my school all look....

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