Chapter 84 - Jackal

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"I'm dead" I tried to breath, the hot sweat drizzling down my forehead. My legs gave out on me, and I stumbled to the floor face first. I was exhausted and dizzy. My lungs ached from every breath I inhaled.

My body was scorching hot, and I could feel myself dozing out as my vision became a blur.

We were finally out of Taivas and in an empty field of flowers and long grass

"Hey Artemis, there's not time to rest we have to leave this forest before those pesky earth humans track us down" Homura whacked me with his paw and groaned in annoyance.

The fox wasn't puffed out as much as we were. For the first time in my life, I envy this fox for having amazing stamina.

I grumbled a few curse words that come out muffled. "Just five minutes break" I stated under my exhausted state.

My legs are shaking from overuse, and I can't even lift them to my wish not even my hands. I was completely drained out of energy.

"No" Homura refused as he now stood beside Jackal, the thief boy whose hair brown hair messed up from the wind that blew past when he ran. He too was trying to catch his breath; his panting was loud, and he coughed a few times. He looked like he was about to die.

His hood wasn't draped over his face anymore and I could clearly see how looked.

A round face with silver almond eyes, soft porcelain skin that complimented his bright heated cheeks from all the running and a small button nose. He looked like an average kid his age of 12, I think he stated.

His brown tattered cloak reached his ankles, covering the common medieval style attire of brown vest, white blouse under, brown baggy pants held up by a belt and leather brown boots.

Jackal's height was seemingly the average height of a 12-year-old, around mid 150cm.

"I don't understand what the fox is saying but I assume he isn't agreeing with what you said" Jackal said with a pant, and he sat back with a hand resting over his knee and his head slumped back.

"His right"

"Take a good look at yourself Jackal. You also are having trying to stand up" my voice was muffled because of the ground.

I heard him laugh. "You have to admit, that was epic. I have never been chased like that before especially by elite assassins from Aureum." Jackal sounded too happily excited for my liking.

"There is something mentally wrong with this human brat." I heard Homura sneer. "To be exact what's with humans having a broken mentality. Can't you just be normal in a change" he heaved.

I didn't have the strength or energy to respond to his dumb remark of us humans so instead I pulled my ride finger up at him.

"This fox is quite chatty. It's like he is trying to talk to us" with preserved energy I was able to lift my head up to see Jackal examining Homura with curious silver eyes. "Homura, is it?" Jackal poked the fox.

Homura snapped furiously at the little boy, and he immediately pulled his finger away. "Keep your dirty stick paws away from me" he growled revealing the rows of tiny sharp teeth.

"A feisty one too" Jackal said a little surprised.

"I'm not feisty, your just annoying." The orange fluff ball with teeth, hissed back.

"I don't think he likes me"

"Of course, I don't you human brat"

Homura wouldn't stop bickering his response back at the oblivious boy who didn't understand a word Homura was saying and continued to speak sentences that wasn't relevant to what Homura was saying. It was getting on my nerves listening to these two, their voices rattled my ear drums while I tried to restore my energy back to continue on running before Edmond uses his great tracking abilities to find me...Us.

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