Authors Note

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It was very heartwarming to read everyone's comments, even if I didn't answer to any them (Mentally I did) But I did read them all and a few times too.

Thank you. I lOVE YOU ALL.

I am getting better though. I'm not dead on my bed like a couple of days ago and complaining about the fever, the head ache and the block nose.

I'm doing well just to let everyone know.

So for everyone's patience I thought I could publish this draft I had in my folder of scenes. Sorry I wish I had the next chapter ready but I haven't yet. Apologies.

This scene may piss some of you off but umm oh well.

BTW it's Spoiler alert - skip if you don't want to read. ENJOY


"This is what happens when greed takes men too far in these mountain dungeons" his warm breath tickled her neck. His fresh forest scent lingered by when Edmond appeared behind Artemis.

Artemis eyed the slumped skeleton in the far end of the room, covered in piles of dust and the material of his clothes were rugged and ruined probably because of the rats nibbling trying to get through.

The cave stank like mildew, piercing her nose and the taking over the prince forest scent.

"Let's keep moving before the caves close on us and the undead find us" Edmond said turning around, his cloak making a woosh sound as he turned, and the blazing fire of his torch sizzled.

With one last look of the fossilised human skeleton, Artemis followed the prince who continued into the rocky tunnel of the mountain.

The cave walls outlined their shadows as they walked, and she continued to admire her surroundings even if this place reeked of death.

"So, this place is like the caverns of the undead right?" she asked Edmond. Artemis was quite fascinated with the history of these ruins from thousands of years ago.

Edmond gave her back glance, those forest green eyes of his glowed a bright green thanks to the light of the fire and she could see the way he looked at her. There was some sort of realisation in them, guilt or maybe Artemis was just seeing things in the dim light of the fire or Edmond could be thinking of a way to answer my question.

It's not like she really cares whether Edmond starts feeling guilty for the way he treated Diana or her in that matter. She just want to find Homura and Jackal before those undead skeletons get to them first.

Edmond glanced away and spoke, his voice was sharp yet soft "it's a cemetery, dung deep in the mountains of Mortress thousands of years ago by a king"

"The King who took down the orcs?" She questioned in case she was thinking of the same king as Edmond. Now she was intrigued with the history lesson Edmond was going to speak of.

The prince of Terra gave her a questionable look. "No, he was just a king long before the great king" he corrected and continued to walk.

"So why is it called a dungeon then? Was it to keep prisoners or slaves buried? Or was it a tavern for heroic knights? Maybe to keep an evil king from seeing the light again"

'Sorry I can get a little excited about these historical events and ancient ruins'

Edmond halted his steps and he turned around. His handsome face glowed under the torch light and those eyes gave Artemis a puzzled look that made Artemis raise an eyebrow in wonder.

"What?" she said her snarky attitude returning as she placed a hand on her hip.

Edmond opened his mouth to speak when suddenly a gust of howling wind blew towards them. Artemis sheltered face so nothing would go in her eyes, but Edmond turned around to see what was out there but the wind that sounded like dead growl of some sort of creature turned off the blazing fire that provided the two lights.

Edmond's sent a hostile glare towards the front, brow coming to knit a scowl on his face.

When the howling growl of the wind stopped, Artemis slowly peeked her head out a hand swiftly moving to her Katana in case of another undead attack.

Edmond quickly spun around, his eyes averting around as if looking for a somewhere to hide. Something about the nervous look on his face made Artemis weary of the situation. He didn't act like this before when they were taking down the undead but something else had got him riled up all of a sudden.

Artemis spoke in a hushed tone so whatever was over there wouldn't hear her "What's goi-" before she even get to ask Edmond snatched her hand and quickly bolted for the wall not far from them. The Isvandy felt those manly hands grab firmly around her wrist that it made her eye twitched in frustration.

'Why do people keep grabbing a hold of my wrist like it's their possession'

"Follow me, don't utter a word" Edmond whispered yet his tone sounded anxious and there was a hint of terror in them that he tried to contain.

Artemis didn't question him and followed him knowing that Edmond must know something is wrong if he was pulling them away from the dark entry into a tight gap, she could make out the outline.

Before she knew it, Artemis was squeezed against the tight walls of the mountain walls. Edmond wasn't far from her when instantly without any hesitation Edmon had pulled her into a tight hold, his hand pulling her head on his chest where his racing heart was clear in Artemis' ears, faint traces of his muscles she could feel against the palms of her hand and his other hand holding her around her waist.

The walls were too tight for her to pull away from him and squeezed the two together.

Artemis' face scrunched in anger when he pulled her into a tight hold as if he was protecting her from the dangers of what to come. Pissed off she kicked him under, and he let out a painful grunt, but he didn't dare to let go but gripped her harder as if he was trying to force the pain away but holding her tightly.

Artemis was going to wriggle her way out when Edmonds panted a few words "Stay still" he said in a raspy voice that sounded way to heated, it warmed the crook of her neck.

This didn't make the Isvandy any calmer, she wanted gives the prince a piece of her mind for holding her like this but he better have a good excuse for doing this.

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