Chapter 100 - A Hidden Secret of the Duchy

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"Mother, how is father doing?" Ariana asked her mother who had was suddenly startled as she stepped out of the duke and her shared chamber, closing the door quietly behind as if Alice was afraid, she would wake the whole mansion if she had closed it with a loud shut.

The light rays of the moonlight shone down from the sky and through the window, creating long shadows across the large corridor of the mansion.

Ariana worriedly stared at her mother whose emerald eyes had become dull from over stressing and worry and by the light of the moon, the young lady could make out how pale her the duchess' face had gotten.

"Dear what are you doing out of your room so late at night? You should be in bed and getting lots of rest"

"I couldn't sleep" Ariana mumbled but it was clear enough for her mother to hear.

The duchess smiled at her adorable young daughter.

"I had finally managed to calm your father down for a while" Alice answered her daughter previous question from before, she looked nervous and startled and it brought a weary feeling down Ariana's stomach. "Bringing him his usual black tea to ease his mind has finally began working again" Alice said, her eyes darting to the door as she placed a hand on the wooden carvings.

"Mother..." Ariana softly spoke, her resembling green eyes gazed down at her bare feet that revealed a little from under her long silky nightgown. The young lady fisted the material of her night dress and bit back a cry "Do you think father has forgotten about us" she said with a trembling voice.

Alice face softened and she pulled her only daughter into her embrace. "Your father loves us dearly but sometimes work can get a huge hold on him, and he needs to stay focused" her mother cooed, stroking down her daughters lovely brown hair that smelled of sweet candy.

Releasing her hold, Alice held her daughter's hand and with a warm smile the duchess said, "Let's get you to bed, shall we?"

Ariana didn't refuse and followed her mother, but a certain question could not be kept inside, and she wondered if there was something wrong with her mother. "Mother why are you dressed up as if your going out?"

Alice stiffened by a little and her hand grabbed firmly onto Ariana soft hands. Her eyes widened and her lips twisted to form a guilt look that crossed her face "I'm going to meet up with a few friends of mine to help me with your father's problem. Just to get some things off his grace's shoulders" Alice had forced a smile that fooled her only daughter into believing her.

Ariana nodded her head foolishly and continued towards her own room that was located not so far from her mothers and fathers.


The crescent of the moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky, hanging above the blankets of twinkling diamonds that covered the terrestrial dark sky.

Not a single creature stirred in dead of the night, not a sound was heard except for the gentle sound of the dancing leaves against the cool breeze.

As the crystal light shone down the lands, bringing in a beautiful glow to the blooming night flowers that rowed the Glacies estate a single figure dashed through the dark parts of the mansion as they made their way to a secret back entrance where a carriage awaited for them.

The carriage itself was sent by the person yet it's unsightly sight made the person cringe. It's dark henges came down the carriage edges and the horses that was chosen to drag the dark carriage that seemed like a coffin for the dead were dark pitch-black horses.

With a displeasing face the cloaked figure walked towards the awaited coachman who had been waiting patiently for them.

Quickly getting in when the coachman had respectfully opened the carriage door and placed down the three-step stool for them to get up, the mysterious person in cloak had scanned the forest grounds as their piercing eyes darted around for any sign of human life but when non could be spotted, they stepped inside and sat on the cushioned seats then waited for the coachman to whip the horses to a move.

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