Chapter 62 - Battle for Mushrooms

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~Artemis P.O.V~

Following behind Elisaria, I admired my greenery surrounding that was filled with many mythical creatures and flowers I have never seen before.

These parts of the Viridis were magnifically beautiful, yet according to Elisaria it was the most dangerous part of Viridis.

Beautiful but Dangerous.

I wanted to get a better look at the creatures and maybe get to pet them, but Elisaria wouldn't let me because she wanted to gather burchwood mushrooms before the Gruirospos devoured them all.

I remember reading about them in one of the books in the Glacies library, but I had forgotten what they look like since the overload of information I was gathering.

According to what I remember reading, they are small creatures that reside near swamps or damp areas of the forest harmless little creatures that love eating berries and fruit, but their favourite food are burchwood mushrooms that only grow in certain times of spring.

No wonder Elisaria is determined to get to the mushrooms before they do and leave her nothing until next spring.

She has been swiftly waddling her way through the path mumbling curse words at the Gruirospos for what seemed like 20 minutes we have been strolling through.

"Why don't you plant them yourself? it will save you a lot of time and effort of going in and out and looking for them when you have them growing at the comfort of your own home" I suggested as I leaned behind her shoulder.

She swatted her hand back clicking her tongue. "Do ya think I have never attempted that. Those scruffy rascals decided to scurry their way to my cottage and eat them away every year knowing that I grow them." She said with irritation with a scowl across her face.

I sweat dropped and my eye twitched "Of course you have you tried that" I mumbled with a groan. I decided to keep looking around when I spotted something perching on top a log. I stopped to get a better look.

It was a fox, yet it looked smaller, and it was pale blue transparent colour with what seemed like smoke was steaming from it. It stared back at me with his sharp almond eyes that was the colour of coal, sitting with its pale blue transparent tail curled around itself.

The fox was the most beautiful fox I had ever seen before, sorry Homura but this fox is even more dashing then you.

"What are ya looking at?" I gave a side glance at the witch that staggered beside me with the same pissed off expression of hers.

"The fo-" I looked back expecting to see the fox on the log but was caught off guard when it wasn't leaving a trace of pale transparent smoke that soon faded into the air. "Fox?" I titled my head in confusion.

"Stop mucking around and lets get on with it" she trodden off with a few cursed mumbles. I pouted angrily. "Who pissed in her cup?" crossing my hands and grumbled while my gaze followed her arched back side.

Glancing back at where the blue transparent fox, I sighed in annoyance. "I'm probably hallucinating" I ruffled the back of my head.

"What's taking ya so long. Come on young lass before ya get eaten by the Carmedequus" she then proceeded to chuckle at that comment. I jogged after her making sure I didn't reopen my wound.

'For an old witch she sure is fast. Tch, how did I even get wounded in the first place?'

"Are we nearly to our destination?" I asked impatiently. "No" she replied quickly.

"How long do we have to keep walking?" I slugged my shoulder feeling tired already. 'Stupid body'

"Not long"

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