Chapter 22 - Forgetful

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I placed the Katana back into the crate then to close the big wooden. Standing up and dusting my dress.

Now I need to get everything ready, my spending money, food...





Now I was panicking. How could I forget about the food? It's the most important resources I need wait no water. I need water as well but where am I going to store it? I don't see a dollar store anywhere to by myself a drink bottle.

Frustrated I kicked the couch but hurt my toes in the process. "OW FUCK, FUCK." I hopped around in pain. I already forgotten how weak she is, my original body's toes never hurt when I kicked things.

I want my original body back.

I sat on the couch, resting my head on the cushions. Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed in frustration. "Where the hell am I going to find a backpack to store my food and medicines".


DID I FORGET THE MEDICINES AS WELL? "AHHHHHHH" I screamed, irritated at myself for getting the most import supplies for the trip. I'm so forgetful, I hate it.

After spending a few minutes being in a temper tantrum, I got off the couch and opened the crate, taking out the crate that had my katana and my tanto. I walked over to Diana's queen-sized bed.

I crouched down and slid the crate under my bed, hiding it just in case while I'm away getting my things ready Lilly and Stella don't poke their noses in my crate. I did the same to the other crate, clothes, and the boots.

I made my to the wardrobe and opened the doors to the wardrobe, I scanned the dresses but found none that Lilly or Stella haven't seen.

I rummaged through them just in case I find something to replace the clothes I took out form the crate when my eyes caught a box in the far corner of the wardrobe hidden from sight.

I slid it towards me. Looking at the box it was well decorated in crystal jewels and on top of it had the crest of the Lancaster, a blue Hydrangea. Marianna's family crest and favourite flower.

Curious I opened it and my eyes fell out of my sockets when I saw a familiar white dress, folded neatly.

I touched the dress, the silky texture of the fabric felt so familiar like I know what this dress is but where? Where did I see it?

To remind myself where I've seen this dress I picked it, the dress unfolded itself when I did. The neckline was off shoulder style, with jewels stuck on them as it came down to the bodice making swirly patterns. 'This dress, where have I seen it from? Why can't I remember? Was it just a dream?'

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.

I dropped the dress realising where I've seen it. It was Diana's white dress from the dream. Fear struck my core.

'This can't be happening. Why is this dress here?'

I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my head. "It's just a dress that I saw in my dreams, it doesn't mean anything." I told myself.

'I hope so'.

I picked up the dress from the ground. This dress can be the replacement.

I folded it again and put it in the crate. Tracing my fingers through my long silver hair I observed it, the white dress laid in the middle of the crate however it was unnecessarily long for just one dress.

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