Chapter 111 - Harem Boy Part 3

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It was the speechless sight that had Ciel wide eyed in shock.

An unconscious little fairy laid slump in the bubbly goo, covered in a green sticky acid from head to toe. The shade of her skin turned to decaying looking colour and her blue faded petal dress was torn and burnt patches were left from acidic substance that wrapped itself around little fairy like a blanket.

The edges of the fairy's long blond hair had burnt off and scars ugly burns were left all over her fragile petit body.

Her wings didn't shimmer like fragile glass as he saw with the other fairies, it had become dull, and the once beautiful patterns were fading every second the fairy's breathing slowed.

Ignoring the horrid stench of the decaying body of the Clumper Jack and the gooey green insides that made everything the keeper had eaten run up his throat, Ciel had his hand down into the gutted-out stomach. He winced when the sting of the acidic goo burnt his skin like prickling fire sparks, regretting instantly for taking off his glove.

He was dreaded in anger to realise that the fairy had to go through such agony inside the toad and to die slowly and painfully. He wished he had kept the monster toad alive so he could have gutted it while it was alive so it too could feel what it's like to feel pain.

Ciel had pulled out the fairy from her horrid gooey grave and held her delicate body on his palm. The fairy's petit body was smaller than Ciel's palm, but it was like a giant bed she laid on.

Her face scrunched in agony, brow creasing and lips twisting to form a painful expression. Her littles hands twitched when the pain eroded her body once more. Her twinkling melody wasn't enchanting, but it was off tune and rusty. Seeing how the fairy was in still wincing continuously from the stinging burn, he placed her down on the green grass, gently and quickly.

Ciel didn't let another second go to waste and began to take off the brown vest off then his white shirt, and immediately dipped the white shirt into the waters of the stream, letting it soak in as much water to wash off the acidic stomach acid on the fairy.

With care and his gentleness, Ciel wrapped his wet white sleeved shirt around the small slender body of the fairy, hoping the cold water cooled off the acidic feeling. He began to softly stroke the green goo off her body, making sure he didn't rub the material hard against the red burnt marks on her fair skin.

Ciel could sense that time was running out for the little fairy. He felt his heart sinking down and the beating echoing in his ears widely. His hands trembled faintly; he didn't want to see another creature suffer.

His own breath clogged his tighten throat when the fairy's chest stopped rising and the colour of her wings faded to an unsettling grey. He bit the inside of his cheek, preventing himself from crying.

"Please get up" Ciel mumbled softly, "Don't die".

Alaric had peered his head from the side of Ciel, his emerald eyes gazing warmly at the fairy who lay dead in the midst of Ciel's white soaking wet shirt. Her skin visibly red from the burning of the green goo. Her eyelids shut peacefully as if finally, she was free from the torture of the fiery burn.

"I'm sorry Alaric." He choked back a cry, his glistening blue eyes coated with tears. A magical fairy died because he took too long. "I failed to save her just like Demarcus"

The ancient wolf did nothing to comfort the keeper but instead blew gently at the fairy. The air he blew moved the few moist hair strands way from the fairy's face and in result the wolf's soft wave of breeze made the little fairy shiver.

Ciel had forgotten to breath when the fairy flinch from the sudden warm breeze that turned cold because of her soaking wet skin. The glass like wings sprouted gently up making faint twinkle sounds like bells. Slowly the little magical creature opened her eyes.

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