Chapter 77 - Queen

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"Say, old lady Alethia"

"hmm" I glanced down at Ben who stared at me, his violet eyes holding curiosity. "What is it kid?" I said with a bored tone.

Ben was silent for a second, his almond shaped eyes widening a little, pulling into a shocked expression. "You're the first to call me kid other than big brother Lykos" he said.

I rose an eyebrow still containing my monotone face. Of course, he would be confused since he is a prince and the only title that's called to him by people whose lower statues than him would call him 'Your highness' or 'Your majesty' or something, something.

Either way I couldn't give two fucks who he is, my only priority is getting the fuck out of here before they start throwing questions at me that I do not have the mood to answer.

I looked away from him and stared endlessly at the wall.

A soft giggle was heard, and I side glance to the silver haired queen standing not far from me.

"It brings peace to my heart knowing how delighted they would be when they hear the revival of prince Benjamin" she said, her violet eyes softening at just the thought of their faces when they see the cheerful prince back to health again.

"I don't know how grateful I am to you, Lady Alethia." Her voice tremble when she spoke. It was the sound of relief that couldn't be breathed days ago but now can be released. "Thank you for saving my son" Arabella grasped my hand, cupping it between hers and locking her teary violet eyes into my icy blue ones. I could see the sincerity in her eyes and the overwhelming joy that was contained in those lavender orbs of the empress.

The colour in her face had returned from yesterday and she can sleep in peace tonight.

I looked down at my hand that was trapped in hers. Her hands were warm against my skin like they were heat packs I keep in my gloves in the middle of winter. Her hands were gentle to the feeling as if she was holding something so delicate.

I didn't like it.

My brows knitted together, and my lips turned into a little scowl that was invisible for her to see. I wriggled my hand from her gasp. "I appreciate your gratitude towards me but if there is nothing else you wish to discuss, I shall get going." I explained avoiding her gaze from and bending down to scoop the clingy bird that was busy blabbering about how amazing and beautiful he was in his fox form to the boy who didn't have a clue what he was saying and just kept smiling and patting his head so he wouldn't hurt the birds feeling.

"After all I have a quest, I need to accomplish" my words came out lazy yet cold.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Homura squawked, his head turning side to side at my hands that grabbed him. "I haven't finished talking to the human cub. Hasn't anyone told you to not interrupt creatures when they are speaking?" he raised his feathery fist in the air as he ranted but I ignored him and placed him on my shoulder.

I gave him the potion when we were coming here to still keep him under the same disguise for another hour but now, I only got 30 minutes before he turns back into the annoying pesky fox he is. My belongings were also given to me when I arrived in Ben's room. Everything was placed neatly back in my bag and my Kunai knives were also polished in return. How nice of them.

Ben grin turned upside down when watching Homura being taken away from him by me and place on my shoulder, like I had taken away his toy.

He jolted up from his spot, his hands clenched into a fist in front of him and his eyes speaking confidence. "Can't you stay a little longer lady Alethia?" Ben spoke, his tone a little shaken.

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