Chapter 16 - Ariana's Letter

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~Ariana's POV~

The sight of the letter made me squeal in excitement. I lost count of how many times I reread the letter I wrote to the prince.

I looked at my beautiful handwriting one time whilst reading it.

"Unto his majesty the crown prince of Aureum, Damon Aurum,

I hope your having a wonderful and a healthy evening.

I'm writing you this letter to address your permission of my presence at the palace for a cup of tea with your highness and have an evening chat if your royal highness is not occupied with palace work.

Here's a delightful poem that I hope will bring joy to your day.

I heard a bird sing

In the dark of December

A magical thing

And sweet to remember

'We are nearer to spring than we were in September'

I heard a bird sing in the dark of December

Sincerely Lady Ariana of Glacies"

I giggled in joy. This is just one step of getting the prince for fall for me. Just the two of us under the rays of sun drinking tea in the beautiful garden with the summer breeze brushing past us, then we would walk along the garden talking and laughing. 'Oh, what a delightful time we will have'

I blushed at the memory of the dance again and his beautiful golden eyes, his gentle voice whispering in my ear at what a great dancer I was. I covered my eyes in the second-hand embarrassment. I could never forget the warm breath against my skin.

*Knock Knock*

I jumped, startled by the sudden knock at my door.

"My Lady Ariana, it is I. Lilly" the voice behind the door said.

"u-uh yes you have permission to enter" I answered. I crossed my fingers in hopes that Diana is willing to see me. I must talk to her for my upcoming plans. I smirked when the thought of Diana begging on her knees for mercy right after I marry the prince.

Lilly opens the door and walked in with courtesy bow like any maid should. She looked at me with glee and a smile perked on her face.

"Diana instructed me to inform you that she is willing to have a chat with your lady ship when she is free"

I shot up from my seat. "Thank you, Lilly," I said with a smile. This time it wasn't fake but sincere, Diana's maids are mine to command and loyal to me and only me not Diana. Giving away Lilly and Stella to Diana as birthday gifts to Diana was the best plan, I had come up with 10 years ago.

Lilly's eyes glimmered in joy. I wanted to gag at the horrid creature in front of me. 'Who does she think she is to smile at me like that'.

I glanced away and back at my letter one last time. I kissed it and slipped into the envelope then to stamp the Glacies crest on the hot wax to shut seal the envelope for good.

"Lilly be a dear and take this letter to the postal magic directed to the Crown Prince" I stretched out my hand with the envelope in hand. She bowed before taking the envelope and leaving me in my room.

'I hope the prince accepts my company' I curled my brown lock of hair with my index finger.

"It would make me feel victorious if my dear older sister tagged along to watch how I still her love one away from her" I grinned. Even if she did agree with the annulment that doesn't conclude that she has given up her love for him. It's impossible to forget the love you hold dear in your heart in just one day. She probably is acting like she doesn't love him anymore but my dear older sister has loved him since she was 4. Diana must have cried all day and al night in heartbreak.

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