Chapter 26 - A Promise that's set in stone

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"W-what are you talking about" Ariana yelled out, guilt written all over her face. Diana rolled her eyes already losing her patience towards these fools who thought they could trick her in taking half the money she was promised. Diana snatched the brown pouch and pulled the blue ribbon open revealing a shimmering gold that resisted in the bottom of the pouch. She turned it upside, and gold came rushing down like rain droplets. They fell down, bouncing off the wooden table with a clatter.

The two were dumbfound, not able to utter a word to support themselves.

Diana pointed with her long slender index finger with a long almond nail to each gold coin on the table, counting each one making sure she didn't miss a single one. "23,24 and 25" she stopped at the last coin.

"I thought the agreement was 50" Diana cocked her head to Ariana, fierce blue eyes glaring at Ariana like she was some meek prey to her. Her eyes were like a hungry wolf starving to snap the rabbits neck into two.

Ariana staggered back. "Th-that's b-because... We were sure we counted 50." Ariana shot back, trying her hardest to back herself up.

Diana marched towards Ariana who stumbled back, fear written all over her eyes. Diana glanced at her, her eyes glittering with a psycho manner.

"Don't give me a shitty excuse." she hissed crossing her hands.

"MY LADY." Isabelle cried out. "If you don't want things to get messy, give me the other half" Diana smirked an evil grin, the leaf shaped metal point resting upon her chin.

Isabelle was panicking, her eyes shifted towards her lady who was on the floor, tears falling down her pink cheeks.

Ariana was crying and her heart was racing in terror, she was scared to the core. This wasn't the same Diana she used to know. This one seemed cold, cruel, and smarter. Definitely smarter.

"Here take the gold. Leave my lady alone" Isabelle yelled throwing another pouch at her legs not wanting any harm done to the precious lady of the Glacies.

She looked down at the gold pouch then back to Isabelle then to smile innocently like what she did never happened.

"Good girl" she picked up the pouch filled with gold, she shook it and then weighed it on her palm.

"that's more like it" she placed the pouch in the pocket of her brown cloak and patted it to make it secure then strolled her way to the coffee table and picked up the gold coins she poured back in the pouch one by one.

"It was great doing business with you fools" she chuckled and walked towards the door.

Isabelle ran towards her shaking master on the floor. "Isabelle" she hiccupped hugging her tight. "It's ok. The grand duke would punish her for trying to harm you".

"I want her to get punished, punish for trying to steal Damon, punished for trying to harm me."

Ariana knew deep down that Diana wasn't Diana at all. She would never dare to do what she did now. Something was going on here and she wanted to know exactly what.

~Artemis P.O.V~

I slid the crates out of my bed, picking the long crate and dropping it on my bed and doing the same with the other small crate then to slide out my white and dark teal boots out.

These boots have blades hidden inside just for emergencies. Anything can happen to a woman in the ancient world.

I then slid my kimono out. I gazed upon the beautiful attire I designed to go with me, the top layer of the Kimono was white, but the obi was a black colour with the Obiage being a dark teal colour. The silk that was used to make it was smooth and I liked it. The Haori on the other hand a dark teal colour with a white Japanese dragon on it. The skirt was also white, yet it was split into two, the front piece lapping over the second one.

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