Chapter 93 - Forbidden words

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"You came to my kingdom seeking the Veritas Mirror, Prince Damon?"

Damon stood in the middle of the ice throne room and his own reflection stared up at him from the glass like floor with high pillars that clawed up, made from entirely out of ice.

Even if him and his followers resided inside the palace, the cold air still froze the very air they breathed in. It was remarkable how the Isvand citizens were not fazed by the chilling air of their empire as if it was like an ordinary spring day for them.

"If that is not a trouble for you, Emperor Adrastos" Damon spoke politely, placing a hand on his chest and lowering his head in curtesy. The crown prince of Aureum was well aware of the emperor Adrastos who was not someone who could not be easily reckoned with.

The emperor himself was not overly fond of outsiders in his lands especially ones who come here to seek ancient artifacts that belonged to his empire.

The emperor of Isvand stared down with cold penetrating eyes at the prince of his neighbouring kingdom, his gaze sent indifferent stare from the prince himself but his was hidden away from the emotionless expression.

The emperor was subtle old man who sat on his magnificent icy throne, away from the rest of the world, hair, and skin white as snow, eyes resembling frozen shards of ice that could pierce through hearts with just one look.

An old man that look so vulnerable but could blast a destructive and fearsome ice blizzard to all the lands, turning Alphyria into his winter wonderland.

Adrastos sat high and mighty on his throne, fingers intwined with sapphire rings which glittered when he tapped his index finger on the arm rest, completely bothered with this matter. He wasn't hesitant to answer the prince who came to his kingdom for such desire, a desire for something that he cannot give.

Adrastos replied with a raise of one eyebrow "You travelled all the way from the safety of your homeland searching an ancient mirror that you boldly believe I will just hand it over to you" his tone was nothing but a mockery of irritation.

Damon said nothing, his expression widened just by a little but quickly changed back to the same emotionless look. The crown prince clenched his fist angrily under his cloak, hidden from view. Of course, he didn't doubt the fact there was no chance the emperor of Isvand was going to hand him the mirror even for just a minute but accusing him to be so cocky really pissed him off.

"You Aurenins are all so conceited" he slowly rose his head up high, and the air began to get cooler by the second the emperor spoke. "Holding your noses so high because your ancestor was trusted with the power of the sun and moon" Adrastos snared, eyes beginning to glow a vibrant light blue.

Damon knew Adrastos cannot harm him, or else war will be bestowed upon them and Adrastos would never go to war with someone like Aureum even with power so great, he could never stand against the Emperor and Empress of light and Dark.

To calm the heavy chill of an atmosphere, Damon spoke calmly placing his bet on his last chance of negotiating "I know my place is to not question the emperor of Isvand why he cannot lend me the Mirror of all Truth to a prince such as I but what I want cannot not be answered other than the truth from the mirror" he continued, bowing his head in respect, again.

Adrastos examined the prince from afar, raising the same eyebrow up. "And for what reason could it be to seek something so ancient as the mirror?"

Damon hesitated to answer. Would Adrastos give him a chance to see the mirror if he told him his reason? To be able to see who Diana really is.

"What is the matter, young prince? Has the ice froze your tongue?"

"I'm afraid not" Damon replied back emotionless, his stoic face not changing one bit.

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