Answering Questions

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Hello my beloved readers here with another character questions. Today we have a special guest here with us.

Yuki - Please welcome in our dear dragon friend Demarcus.

Demarcus - I'm honoured to be at your presence dear Yuki.

Yuki - ahh yes, it's a pleasure to have you here with us today to answer some questions from our dear readers from the other side.

Demarcus - I will answer their questions as best I can.

Yuki - Great!

Now let's get started with our first question from our dear readers.

Our first question is from mshely123 and this reader asked 'How old are? and do dragons have mates?'

Demarcus - To answer truthfully I'm not that old, I'm still a young dragon of 13. Raised by my dear friend Ciel.

To answer your second questions, Yes. Just like some animals, dragons are monogamous meaning we have one partner for a lifetime. We are devoted to our mates forever however when a dragon's mate dies we are unable to find another as our heart is connected to theirs just like a rider and their dragon.

But yes we do have mates.

Yuki - I think my eyes are melting, give me a second to calm myself.

Demarcus - My dear Yuki there is no need to cry. This is all just dragon nature.

Yuki - Yes, yes. Your right but what if you lose your love when you just realise you love her. How can you find another?

Demarcus - Then I will be lonely forever.

Yuki - Your just making things worse than they already are.

Demarcus - I deeply apologise.

Yuki - that's alright Demarcus.

Let's get to the next question.

This one is from KyoTKGHL 'Do you have a human form and if you did then what would you look like sir? Sorry but this girl wants to know'

Demarcus - Hahah, my dear maiden KyoTKGHL I'm sorry to disappoint you but I do not have a human form but just a dragons.

However even if I did I do hope I look as handsome as my Ciel, with hair gold as gold itself, green eyes like the emerald jewel and light skin just like the snow. Here is a picture of what I migth look like

 Here is a picture of what I migth look like

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I hope this makes you feel a little better for disappointing you

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I hope this makes you feel a little better for disappointing you. Forgive me.

Yuki - Your so sweet. Anyway next question.

Viphyld asked 'Do you have any family (Alive)?'

Demarcus - Hmmm.

Well, my dear mother Orlena died when her rider was killed and my father had disappeared with his rider never to be seen again and I do not know if he is still among the living.

I had 5 siblings, 2 brothers who were older than me. My oldest was Leviathan and he find his rider 3 years ago and I haven't seen him since then but wherever his I hope he is doing well.

Pythios was the second oldest and he was executed for going out of control and killing 6 of the dragon keepers. I do not know what happened to him or what caused him to go like that but I truly loved him and it pains me to think he never find a rider which was his long life dream.

Ambroz is the youngest out of us and he is still in the barrack still waiting for a rider. He is a shy one if I say so myself.

Arwynn is the fourth oldest and she is the only sister we have. She left with her rider just a year ago and I saw her visit with her rider a few months back. It was a delightful sight to see her smile again.

Yuki - what a delightful family you have. I'm sorry about your brother and mother.

Demarcus - That is alright.

Yuki - So the next question is from ChocolateLoverFav and this person asked 'Are you single?'

Demarcus - ........ U-uh Y-yes I still am. I still haven't found one yet. They are all terrifying when they get angry.

Yuki - There, there Demarcus. I'm sure there is a gentle one out there.

Demarcus - Hm

Yuki - Well must apologise but that is all the questions for today. Thank you for using your time to answer our dears their questions.

Demarcus - It's my pleasure and I hope my answers satisfied these dear readers of ours.

Yuki - Goodbye Demarcus and goodbye to everyone else. See you again for the next Character question thingy and stay safe.

Demarcus - Stay safe readers

Bye bye

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