Chapter 2 - One without Love

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Diana Glacies the Daughter of Duke Marcus Glacies of Aureum and Duchess Mariana Lancaster of Isvand.

The sub villainess of the reverse harem novel 'My Grace' who will soon be executed by the Crown Prince of Aureum, Damon Aurum. As an attempt to assassinate her half-sister and the bride of the crown prince. Arianna Glacies.

Readers would have agreed with the Prince and stood on the side of Arianna, hating on Diana for being a villainess but then again, I don't blame them. The story was based on Arianna the gentle and kind soul Heroine who captures everyone's heart with just a smile and saves the world from the cracking crystal of Alphyria. However, that differs from my thoughts of Diana.

I understand the pain and suffering Diana went throughout her life. The loss of her gentle mother who cared for her dearly at such a young age, the same age I lost my parents. No fatherly love which she needed the most in hardest times but received none. No love came from her people and no respect from the servants that worked in the mansion. Not understanding what it felt like to be loved by the people she loved the most, she turned herself to the darkness. The only friend she had.

This resulted her to turn her back to the people. She would drown herself in jewellery assuming it will fill up the missing beauty within her heart. To seek people's attention and her fathers, she would cause trouble hoping that her father would notice but not once did he turn around and console, even if it was just a quick glance from him it always made her day. This became a strategie everyday before turning into a behaviour.

Her tragic story doesn't all differ from mine completely.

I was born different. I am a line between American and Asian, my father being American and my mother being Japanese. I was born with ruby red eyes just like my mother's which caused some parents to believe I was a cursed child and prevented their kids from playing with me. No one wanted to talk to me or play in the playground. I was the lonely kid in school, sitting all by herself in the end of the classroom hoping that one person would come up and say hi but no one did.

All the kids would scream in terror when they laid their eyes on me, running away and calling me a demon.

I gave up and turned my source around. I started to play with the small creatures around the school.

Animals were my escape from the people in the world, the only living beings who understood me even if I could never understand them.

My older brother and my parents however never saw me the way people saw me. They loved me the way I was especially my dad, he loved the unique eyes of my mother and I.

We were lived happily in our house in the countryside.

Things changed however when I lost my parents by a man who didn't believe our race should collide.

I lost everything that night, my parents, my childhood, and my home. When I thought I lost everything God decided to spare the one thing that always stood beside me. Daisuke.

I had someone to love even if the world had turned its back on me but that doesn't say anything about Diana. She who had no one and the one person who she relied to be loved by hated her back, gave her the cold shoulder and ignored her throughout her entire life then to agree to her execution.

She was a villainess who only wanted to know what it was felt like being loved, she wanted to leave that stinky house hold and go somewhere far away from them, to never see their faces again.

When she was engaged to the crown prince, Diana had thought she could finally escape from the mansion that made her life miserable.

Spending her days trying to get seen by the crown prince was her daily routine. Diana made sure she was always pretty, spending hours on her hair and makeup but to get out shone by the simple Ariana. She did everything she possible could think off but the crown prince never looked her way once.

When the prophecy of her light magic appeared, this drove Diana insane. Jealousy riled up within her, Ariana had all the attention of every prince to her even Damon, this caused her to lead to the one thought that has been on her mind for decades. Kill Ariana.

In the end she was stabbed by the person she loved the most.

Reminds me of my end.

I guess our stories are kind of the same, both losing people we love, hated by the society and then to get stabbed by the person we loved dearly.

But I had someone to protect me from the darkness that surrounded my heart but she didn't, this is what lead to her cruel fate.

I pity her.

Looking out the shiny glass window of my room and out into the beautiful decorated garden of flowers filled with Diana's mother's favourite flower, blue hydrangea, rowing from left to right, I sighed. This garden belongs to Diana the place where she would escape, the place where she would feel like she in the embrace of her mother.

Such pity though, a beautiful garden filled with love soon to be a grave for the one who loved it.

Diana Glacies you really are such a pitiful person.

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