Chapter 118 - Artemis Ray

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Sitting on the ground with my knees up, I rubbed my temples in hopes of avoiding from getting a headache. Not like it would help with the continuous amount of twinkling bell sounds being rung in my left ear without any sign of stopping. I exhaled a sign of frustration, dragging my face down with my hand.

I sidelong over to Homura. His little body sat up straight, relaxed and unbothered while his right paw had trapped a little blond fairy. She wriggled and struggled under the black paw, banging her tiny little fist at it in hopes of hurting the nasty orange fox who just glanced at her lazily. Clearly watching her as if she was stupid to even try to defeat his mighty paw on top of her.

"What a dumb fairy. Your even dumber than this dead human cub" Homura commented bluntly, blinking away his grumbling annoyance. "What shall I do with you?"

"Let the fairy go."

Homura snapped his head to me and his predatorial eyes glanced at me baffled. "What?!"

"She's no threat. So let her go" I repeated again but this time my voice was cold and demanding, clearly not in the mood to argue.

His lower jaw dropped, and he was speechless. "But she is with enemy?" he tried to argue, getting annoyed his effort of capturing the fairy has gone to waste.

"Enemy? There is no enemy Homura. So let her go. Stop making me repeat myself. It's getting really annoying."

Homura wasn't happy with my decision and glared at me. Those sharp amber eyes glimmering with displeasure. When he saw that I wasn't budging and that I was fixed with my decision, his expression lightened, and he looked at me boredly. He didn't seem to want to argue with me like before and he let it go.

"Fine but don't come at me if she attacks you. She seems to be feisty little one" Homura said with a flat tone, his told you so voice.

When Homura had lifted up his paw, the fairy immediately zipped away, taking her chance to escape. Sparkling glitter of gold particles trailed behind her as her wings twinkled like small jingle bells when it flapped. Like a charging rhino she flew towards me with full speed, aiming to throw an attack punch at me.

The little blond fairy didn't get a chance to even lay a little finger on me when I caught her with my hand, blind sighted. A deafening screech of a jingle burst my left ear drum when I had caught her. It may have been a shout of surprise.

Her whole body fit perfectly in my palm and her head stuck out from the enclosed index finger and thumb. Her head would sway left and right as she tried to free herself out from my tight grasp around her body.

I brought my hand to my eye level and gazed coldly at the glaring fairy. Her thin brows scowled down into one tight knot, lips pursed shut and frowning, her whole face was a shade of red. She was fuming with anger.

I rose a questionable brow when I looked at her. "Odd to see a fairy with a human guy." I questioned curiously. I already know that fairies have always distant themselves from humans. They were terrified of them and would hide away when there was any sighting of them neabry. It was no wonder fairies were never close to human civilisations nor linger around those sorts of areas where humans resided.

I found out this from the old hag, Elisaria.

Not to mention that fairies would never aid a human unless a human proves to them that they are trustworthy by showing it, either from saving them or whatever. I never got to hear the rest because Homura started screaming like a dying pig because Alaric ate his meat.

Fisting my free hand, I laid my cheek against my knuckles. "Did he save your little ass, or did you just fall for his pretty face?" I asked the little fairy, a hint of sarcasm added to my tone just to see her pissed off even more.

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