Chapter 6 - Legend

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I looked down at my trembling palms. 'I should have never come here. I was too caught up on annulling Diana's engagement that I forgot about the actual party itself. If only Daisuke was here'

"Lady Diana is there something the matter. You look rather pale" there was cold but gentle tone that brought me back to reality.

My instinct acted on its own. Grabbing him by the hand that was on my shoulder I twisted it then I lashed my hand under his elbow before getting into a position in front of him and flinging him over my shoulder. Too bad for him I was fast, preventing him to even react the slightest.

He landed in a loud thud with dirt particles formed around him. "OOF!"

The white haired man gasped for air from the shock of pain that ran through his back. I stepped back watching him scrunch his face in pain as he grovelled in discomfort, resting his palm on his back.

"when did a noble lady have such reflexes?"

Watching him in this pathetic state made me realise how low the ancient people's pain tolerance are.

"tch pathetic" a heartless tone escaped my lips.

"You vile woman. How dare you lay a hand on a prince" he snared, getting on his fours still holding his back like an old grandpa. Neil's silver eyes glared at me with hatred, his veins popping from his neck as he clenched his white teeth together.

Nevertheless, it didn't scare me. No one in fact can scare me except for God whom has the power to make me kneel before him.

"those delicate hands of yours will be cut off for hurting the prince"

I arched an eyebrow in admiration for his effort of trying to threaten me.'Does he really think threatening to cut my hands will make me tremble before him.?'

'Oh, prince charming, I've gone through hell and back to be where I am now. So, don't even think a lowly threat like that can compare to the things I've dealt with' I glared back at him with my icy blue eyes competing with is fierce glare.

We tended to send each other death glares for a couple of seconds. I didn't want to waste more time dealing with a idiotic prince so I broke off first. 'This is ridiculous' .

"What an eyesore" I span around and strolled back to the carriage. 'Forgot the annulment of my engagement, I'll just send a letter tomorrow to make it up for it'

"Your bold enough to turn your back on me. The rumours weren't lying when they stated how vile and disrespectful you really are. Even beauty can't hide how crude and wicked someone really is"

I looked at him from behind one last time. "Your right. Beauty can't hide one's true self it only covers the ugly scars that one hides"

"don't blame me for the way I am, blame the world for making me this way" I said coldly, watching how stunned his expression was before I stepped into the carriage.

I placed my chin on my palm and smiled a devilish grin "Good night to you, your highness". The horses' hooves hit the ground as it galloped away.

'Hope to never see you again'

I let my body fall on the huge queen-sized bed.

What a soft comfortable mattress this is. Diana you might be just lucky to have a soft mattress to sleep on every night unlike my hard one back at headquarters.

A sad sigh escaped my mouth. I miss my room back in my world. MyLED lights where I can change the colour to go with my mood, my anime posters stuck on the walls, my manga book shelves with hundreds of anime figures decorated and I would never forget my gaming computers that I would sit for hours playing video games on my spare time, especially Call of Duty.

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