Chapter 64 - Fairies

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I felt something warm shine on my eyelids, I groaned a morning grumble when I felt something big move around me. I fluttered my eyes open to see the morning sun high above the sky. I sheltered my eyes before I looked around to see myself wrapped around Demarcus as if he was protecting his child from danger.

I rubbed my puffed-up eyes to wake me up further. I must have cried myself to sleep last night and turned a little red. 'I cried my eyes out in front of Demarcus. How embarrassing' I hid my face in my hands.

So called for an assassin.

I stretched my arms up, feeling my muscles loosen and relax. I have to admit sleeping within Demarcus was very comfortable and warm, but I slept with my guard down and that's something I must never do again even if there is a mighty dragon beside me. I can't die just yet because of my stupidity of letting my guard down when sleeping.

Looking to see, Demarcus the golden Orga dragon slept soundly. His whole body rising up and down every time he breathed. It was soothing to listen to his soft breathing.

I didn't want to wake him up because he needed a lot of rest especially with that injured wing. Slowly and quietly, I made my way out from Demarcus' embrace and out in the small grassland where Alaric lived.

He was Toprakline wolf, an earth wolf that was bigger than the average wolf from my world. He was like stone that was covered in moss and small little flowers. That's what he looked like with his fur being the colour of a stone and his back covered in vegetation.

Toprakline wolves are smarter than regular wolves, faster and stronger with their jaws that could crush stones however they only attack if they feel threatened. If I was to approach it without killing intentions that they would leave me alone expecting me to leave them alone as well.

Yet he was one the most beautiful creatures I had ever laid eyes on.

'I wonder what time it is?' I scratched my head as I yawned. I could hear the birds chirping in the trees and the soft medallic sounds of the forest itself.

The surrounding was beautiful and the memories of Itami came rushing back to me. How he always told me he wanted to leave in a fantasy forest with me with a German Shepard named Tadeo. How I always laughed and told him that he needs to stop fantasising and get back to the mission. 'Why do I keep thinking of him? He was the one that ended it all not me' I looked down at my palm and felt a ting in my heart.

'Is it because my heart keep refusing that he betrayed me and there's more to this then I thought. So why, why did you kill me? Why did you betray me? was it all worth it in the end?'

When I get back, I will get my answer from him even if I have to force it out. I will get my answer, you'll see but right now my first priorities is to get back since there is no point of going further into something that isn't worth my time right now.

But before I do all that, I took a sniff of myself and nearly gagged. I smelt of sweat, dirt, blood and a horrible odour 'I need to take shower' I shivered in disgust, "No wonder I have been feeling weird these days. I haven't taken a bath or a shower in a week. How disgusting and unhygienic of me"

However where am I going to take shower without having something jump from behind and eat me. I crossed my hands and wrinkled my nose, going through my ideas.

"I should just go ask Elisaria and see what she says" I made up my mind, clicking the heels of my boot against the grass and walking to the direction of the cottage.

Suddenly I heard a faint ring of bells and stopped in my tracks, searching to the source of the sounds when I came face to face with a little fairy that was flying a few centimetres away from my face. At the second I had forgotten how to breath and stared directly at the small fairy that was staring back at me with those small eyes.

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