Chapter 119 - The chained Past

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With crossed hands, Elisaria stood in her spot with the same blank unimpressed expression as she smacked her lips together and wrinkled her nose. It was suddenly quite. Not a sound of that clueless keeper who was such a sore in the ass and it felt odd for a second before the feeling disappeared instantly as soon as it came.

The witch remembered when Diana was here for a week or two before she left. It was quite an odd feeling when Elisaria didn't hear the nagging, and the none stop of questions from the ice princess before the feeling disappeared for good. But she kind of missed having Diana's unusual company even if it meant having her being such a tight ass with everything but strangely enough, she was someone who was respectful and would help around whenever she could.

Nothing like the past Diana would have done well the real soul of Diana.

Furthermore, the old hag wasn't someone to dwell in the absent presence of people. She shook the feeling off and began to rummage through her thoughts, searching for any missing information she had forgotten to tell Ciel before he left. She scratched her chin and made faint humming noises as she stared straight at the ground floor.

Elisaria forgot about what she was thinking and weirdly started to analyse the wooden boards. The old floorboards had rose up from their positions just by a tiny inch. It made sense why the floor creaked whenever she walked. "Huh" Elisaria scoffed.

"I should have given Ciel to fix my floors as his last repayment debt before I had handed him the crystal" Elisaria dead panned at her misfortune.

"Oh, whatever" she wailed her hand about, "I'll just give it to the next dying person I pick up from the middle of the forest. Give them a debt to pay for saving their lives" she said, cackling maliciously to herself just be thinking about it.

Just as she was about to waddle her way out, she felt a cold presence past by her. A dark aura that agitated the plants in her cottage, it had stopped the wind in its course and streams had steadied. Not a sound of the creatures stirred nor the chimes of the leaves.

It's as if time had stopped.

Cold and sharp owl-like eyes swiftly darted around, scanning every corner of the room like a bird of prey searching for its enemy amongst its surrounding. The air had become foul in the tip of Elisaria's tongue. She smacked her lips together and tasted the humid air. A bitter feeling stirred inside of Elisaria when she knew who had dared to appear in her cottage.

Elisaria's eyebrows arched down resulting in her wrinkles of her brow to form a pattern of waves. Her lips twisted into a bitter scowl.

"Ya vicious foul of a snake, ya not welcome in my home." she snared under her breath.

A devilish chuckle resonated the room, bouncing off each wall as it twirled all around the old witch like wolves preying it's victim so hungrily. It was the voice of a woman.

Elisaria's shape eyes caught something move in the corner of her eyes. Immediately she turned, and her owl-like eyes snapped to a narrowed glare, watching a dark fog emerge from the unknown and begin to circle the room, masking the walls and ceiling in complete utter darkness.

The black fog was like a hungry creature, snatching away any light that it got it's sharp claws on and devouring it whole without mercy.

Elisaria's eyes had followed suit. Her deathly glare never leaving it once as it left traces of its black looking poisonous smoke behind. The cackles of the woman didn't leave Elisaria's ears making her bare her teeth in disgust. She fisted her hands from inside the cloak. Such desire to burn the cottage down and with that snake with it.

"Ya vile snake leave ya shadows and face me like a real witch" Elisaria hissed. The magic rose within the old witch, and it revealed in her eyes when it changed to look exactly like one of a bird of prey.

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