Chapter 74 - Order of the old lady

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The mysterious woman had silently stepped into the gigantic throne room stoned with platinum pillars stacked tall in rows. Ancient weapons bolted onto the walls for decoration and two massive thrones laid at the far front of the room, one made of silver platinum and the other in gold. Slowly closing the giant marble door behind her, the mysterious white-haired woman strolled gradually towards them.

No sounds of footsteps or heels hitting against the stone floor echoed the silent grand throne room as if she was a ghost haunting these very halls of the castle. The only sounds that was heard in the uneasy atmosphere was the heavy breathing of the royal guards and the clanking grips of their swords.

The royal rulers sat uncomfortably on their thrones, staring hesitantly at the mysterious woman that was approaching them from afar. Both feeling troubled and confused on what was going on.

Was she an assassin? No, she can't be one. An assassin kills their victim silently not directly in front of eyewitnesses especially a guarded King and Queen. So, who was she and what was her purpose for barging in?

As she came into a view for everyone to see her face became clearly visible to the eye. She was an old lady. The wrinkles forming on her face showed she was around her late 60s. Tall height no bigger then 170cm, a perfect figure under her dress as if she was still young, her long white hair brought out the sapphire eyes that could be seen glowing from afar.

This woman would have been a beauty in her youth years.

The confusion was seen written all over everyone's faces especially the Commander of the guards who stood beside the kings throne, the emperor himself Ambrose and Empress Arabella who glanced to her husband's direction for any replies to this situation. She herself held Ambrose hand tightly, hearing her heart pound in her ears loud and clearly.

Ambrose mouth slit ajar ready to speak to the intruder when he was immediately interrupted by the old woman's sudden voice.

"I'm sorry about that" the old woman spoke; her voice was creaky but if listened closely enough you can hear the faint young feminine voice. "But your pesky workers were being rather sexist and wouldn't even let me in to give me a chance" she stretched her arms out and pulled into a cross against her chest, shaking her head in a defeated sigh. This old woman showed no ounce of courtesy towards the Emperor and Empress who could say one word and she will be dead.

This rendered everyone speechless even the guards that nearly dropped their swords for a slight second.

Ambrose stood up assertively tall with his hands hiding behind his back as his silver eyes glared down at the impolite old lady who dared to barge herself into his castle without his knowledge. The air around him changed into a bitter taste that poisoned the lungs of anyone that breathed it in.

A dangerous aura began to glow around him worrying the queen herself who has never seen this state of him in a very long time before glancing back at the old lady.

She felt her heart stop for a moment, seeing the competing icy blue eyes of the mysterious old lady that stared back without a single reflection of fear in her eyes. She was not fazed or shaken by her husband but stood their with her hands crossed with a bold aura lingering around her.

They were like two alpha wolves from different packs competing for the same territory.

"Who is bold yet so imprudent to enter my palace unannounced then to storm into my hall without a waiver of courtesy" Ambrose spoke, his voice crackled like thunder rattling the room so loudly.

"Do you understand who you are present under?"

The old woman's face was expressionless as she stood there with her hands crossed looking left to right before glancing back at the calm emperor whose silver eyes reflected anger.

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