Chapter 108 - The Fifth Sister

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It was the thick smell of moss mixed with an old mushroom fragrance that wafted around his nose. It was the intense smell that fluttered him awake from the deep dark abyss he was trapped in.

A groggy groan escaped him the moment his eyes quivered open, his blurry vision of something brown above him became clear. He stared at the wooden ceiling for a slight second trying to get his mind stable to understand his situations.

The long trails on the old wood was faint, captivating him into following the trail. The howling wind had caused the boards to creak a deep croak as if something heavy was walking on top of it.

It was the sudden dawn of realisation that made his heart skip a beat. Jolting up into a rise he was welcomed by an agonising pain from his stomach.

"Shit!" the orange haired man hissed, his eyes squeezing shut to take in the pain. A soft material rubbed against his arm and Ciel looked down to see his upper body exposed, his bare chest that outlined his muscular state, but his lower torso was wrapped around by a white cloth.

Ciel couldn't remember what happened after he had lost conscious but the painful memory of waking up in the forest all alone and surrounded by only trees and whatever creatures that stalked the grounds of Viridis and the bloody pool he laid upon. The empty twilight sky and the growls of the wind that frightened him to stand up and stagger his way out of the sight of any hungry beasts, but the loss of blood made it weak and difficult for him to walk no further but a few steps before he collapsed to another dark consciousness.

How he end up here, bandaged, taken care of, and laying on this bed was a mystery to him.

"Ya finally awake" the sound of an annoyed and old screechy voice startled Ciel with a flinch and turned his head to the side to see an old woman standing by the door draped in a long brown cloak like gown that reached the floor while a small wooden cup rested upon her palm.

Her face was all wrinkled and the flesh of her cheeks hung down as if it was melting off her face. Her nose was long and crooked but it was pointy sharp but what struck out the most was those dark onyx eyes that starred with a narrow look towards him.

The old woman looked bored but annoyed.

"Ya done starring?" the old woman yapped, her tone sharp and filled with irritation.

Ciel was startled again and looked away quickly feeling embarrassed for being rude by staring at.

"Sorry." He managed to say. "It wasn't my intention to stare at you. You just caught me off guard for a second there" Ciel rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly.

"What? Were ya expecting some pretty angel to be standing here and aiding ya back to health?" the old woman sneered with sarcasm.

Ciel avoided his gaze away inelegantly not knowing how to respond to that. Though waking up to an angel was not a bad idea actually.

"Don't like the fact it's an old wrinkly lady, huh" she crackled like thunder as she began to waddle her way towards the bed he lay. The hems of her cloak like dress trailed behind her.

Ciel wanted to say something to apologise to the old lady, but she kept on talking not giving him a chance to speak "All ya young men are always the same. Wanting some pretty lady on ya bed so you could enjoy ya selves" she waved her hand away as a gesture of irritation.

"Especially ya youngsters these days. Never thanking an old fragile lady who goes out of her way to heal ya back to health."

"I'm...sorry?" Ciel managed to say with a questionable look as a thin light brown eyebrow rose up.

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