Chapter 91 - A distant future

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The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky in the middle of a blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. Not single stir of an animal or person was heard among the midst of the night.

The gentle cold breeze howled softly and the wooden boards creaked.

I sat on the internal window sill of the room, my back leaned against the firm oak wood and my right leg dangled down from the sill while the other stretched in an arch. I stared silently out the window and into the quiet streets of the village.

The very moon shining down a natural light that outlines the wooden buildings. Not a single soul was seen wandering the dirt road except for the little rodents that scurried the ground.

The village itself was peaceful.

I took a long relaxed sigh and rested my head against the wall. The whispers from the forest still echoed in my head clearly.

'He is coming' Who is coming, is what I wondered but I couldn't wrap my head around of who it was neither did I read about a certain someone in the book. 'Could there be something that was never mentioned in the novel?'

'They are coming' What is coming? could it be the Orcs? Did they already find a way out? No that's impossible they don't escape until the end of the first book which is months away in this time. It's definitely a warning that is what I know, but why warn me? I'm not staying around to the witness the battle between of Orcs and Humans once again. I'm going home just like I promised.

They should Ariana. Ariana is the chosen prophecy girl and I'm just a imposter inhabilitating someone's body without their consent.

I don't why everything is confusing all of a sudden. Things don't match up with the novel anymore, it's as if this world is of its own now. It frustrated me and I wanted pull my hair from my head.
But then again I can't continue on going with the flow of the novel, everything is changing because of me and I must accept the fact I can't lead on with the story like the beginning.
From now on I must rely on whatever the future brings but it doesn't mean I can't rely on information provided about the world and the history of it from the boom especially the character

My brain wasn't functioning to think any further, so I left my thoughts there and closed my eyes for the sleep ahead of me.

"keep your face away from me you dirty pig" I heard the sleepy grumble of Homura, opening my eyes slightly to glance to the side to look at Jackal sleeping soundly on the bed like a normal kid while Homura was sprout out like a flower on top of Jackal not like a normal fox, kicking his paw as he sleep talked. "You metal humans come at me" he grumbled before snapping his snout shut as if he bit something which I didn't want to think what.

I snorted. "Stupid fox," I mumbled.

It was nice when these two are sleeping and it's quite without Jackal and Homura bickering back and fourths in my ear. I wish it was like this forever, peace and quiet.

As I was about to shut my eyes again, I Immediately saw something move in the shadows from the corner of my eye. My head swiftly turned towards the window, eyes darting left and right scanning the village from the glass while I jolted forward from the wall to get a better look at the village surroundings.

I know I saw something quickly jump into the shadows when it saw me turn their way. They disappeared completely from my sight and I couldn't see them anywhere no matter how hard I looked and searched in the dark.

Whoever it was, must know how to hide from sight especially me.

I slid out my Kunai out from the side of my thigh and held it firmly in my hand. Someone was definitely following us and I didn't have a doubt in my mind who it might be.

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