Chapter 19 - Tea and Cakes

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The carriage came to halt by the entrance of the castle. It's giant wooden doors stood high in front of me, the castle itself was made from stone and gold bricks layering from top to bottom with a few vegetations growing from the cracks and corners of the stones yet it still looked astonishing to look at. The castle was tall and humongous, disappearing in the midst of clouds.

I held my breath at the breath-taking sight. The last time I was here it was too dark to see how the castle presented itself neither did I pay any mind to it but looking out the carriage window and in day light I could see how shiny and tall the castle really was.

'I wonder how big and grand it is inside.'

"I hope you understand what I said" Ariana stood up and patted down her dress.

"Your making me rethink my decision" I rolled my eyes.

Ariana was about to say something, but the carriage door swung open preventing her to say anything harsh to me. She glared at me once more then to walk out stepping onto the stairs.

I followed behind her taking a step at the first step and the footman stood in front of the carriage with his hand stretched out to escort me down. I waved my hand in refusal, not needing his help to get down. He looked rather stunned but shook it away before bowing his head in curtesy.

"My lady Ariana" I heard an old man's voice in front of us. Looking at the butler standing there, his grey hair slicked back like a gentleman, he looked like he worked in the palace his whole life.

'Could this be the royal butler of the emperor? Leonardo. In the book he was written as Ariana's loyal supporter. He helped Damon and Ariana blossom their love while making sure Diana didn't interfere once before she was executed. He loathed Diana to the core'.

His wary brown eyes suddenly shifted to mines, examining me in hatred. His hatred glare towards didn't bother me once. I was already used to people hating me here and my past life.

"Lady Diana" there was disgust in his voice as he said my name.

"...." I blinked not saying anything in response. 'What was I supposed to say to him. Hello Leonardo, my name is Artemis Ray from Japan nice to meet you. Please don't get me confused with Diana?'

Leonardo shifted his gaze away from mines and back to Ariana who was standing in front of me.

"Leo it's good to see you" Ariana smiled excitedly, her cheeks turning a little pink to exaggerate her kind presence.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Lady Ariana" he bowed respectfully. "I apologise if I'm barging in his royal highness' over scheduled work" she said sympathetically.

I scoffed at those shrewd words that escaped her lips. Author you really outdone your characters.

"I'm sure his royal highness does not mind if it's lady Ariana of Glacies" he said. I wanted to puke at the mention of Damon's cheesy love for Ariana. 'Why did I agree to this again?'

A slight giggled came from Ariana. "It's not what you think Leo, his royal highness and I are just friends".

Veins popped out from my forehead. 'Just friends. JUST FUCKING FRIENDS. THEN WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS MORNING ABOUT?' I wanted to pull Ariana's hair back to the carriage and give her a good beating for being such a shrewd bitch however I exhaled that thought away and calmed my angry feelings down.

"Well then the crown prince is waiting in the back garden for you my lady and..." Leonardo gave me a weary look. "Lady Diana, what brings you here to the palace." He hissed.

'Ask your future dumb queen here' I wanted to say this out loud, but I didn't.

"My dear sister has been feeling very unwell recently ever since the annulment of her engagement. She has been in her room these past 3 days, and I was worried it would take a toll in her health even more" she said with a fake worried tone while she fiddled with her hands like an innocent child.

I stood there, confused written all over my face. 'Me sick and upset over Damon? Seriously Diana what are you trying to make me look like here?'

He rose an eyebrow and observed me again. "I see. Lady Ariana right this way" he slid to the side and gestured his hand to walk straight.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. 'Why couldn't I just thrown into this world in my own body or some commoners'.

Leo escorted us to Damon who was awaiting by the garden beds for Ariana's arrival unaware of my sudden intrusion.

To my surprise, the first person he looked at was me. He shot a hatred glare at me and scrunched his face.

'Sorry my existence is not to your liking'.

We stopped a few feet away from him and then we bowed in respect, Ariana's was firm and graceful while mine was sloppy.

"I thought we were having tea just the two of us. Why is Diana here?" He said coldly.

Ariana froze and I just waited for her to speak the same bullshit she said to Leo.

"Your highness, I know I did something horrible going behind your back and inviting Diana without your permission, but it was a last-minute decision." she continued as she fiddled with her dress like she always did when she was faking her innocent or if she was nervous or scared.

I saw how his eyes softened a little. 'Ewww love'

"My dear older sister didn't leave her room for days after the annulment, I was worried for her health if she stayed in her room all day. I had thought maybe if she could leave her room for just a while, she will feel a little at ease" I looked to my side where Ariana was, she was tearing up. 'Fake'

"I'm apologise if you don't want her here, we will leave" she bowed.

He sighed. "It doesn't matter anymore" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "I will allow her this time but, in the future, please write me a letter sooner" he span around and strolled to the table in the centre of the garden surrounded by dozens of flowers.

I could smell the sweet, scented cakes from affair, making me drool and lick my lips just by imagining the taste of those sweet cakes. 'Even if I'm third wheeling it doesn't matter since I'm going to get free cake. Mmmm cake'

I sat beside the two with Ariana sitting in across him but ignored that and was tempted by the biscuits rowed beautifully on the gold platter, the cakes, and the amazing aroma of the black tea.

"How was your day? Lady Ariana" he sipped on his tea like a gentleman. "Oh, it was wonderful how was yours" I plopped a piece of cake in my mouth.

"Rather exhausting" he sighed.

Ariana giggled making the prince turn pink a little. "It reminds, did you like my gift" she said.

'The gift? Could she be talking about the cuff buttons she gifted him? I don't know and I don't care'.

Giving me a side look, she waited for my reaction. I know what her intentions are, but I wasn't going to act the way she thought Diana would have so I kept enjoying my cake.

"I thought it was a very beautiful gift" he smiled; Ariana's cheeks heated up in embarrassment.

I sipped on my tea eyeing the two with no care in the world. 'I should have brought some popcorn and soda'.

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