Season 2 Profile information

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Hello Lovelies,

This chapter is going to be about the characters in season 2. They are going to be way more but these are just the main ones.

The pictures do not belong to me but to their rightful owners.

Hope you enjoy.

PS sorry if it's long


Name: Daisuke Ray

Age: 25

Date of birth: 28 November 1996

Place of Birth: Japan, Tokyo

Nationality: American, Japanese

Height: 187cm

Status: Alive

Skills, other: Ninjutsu, Karate, dojo swordsmanship, taekwondo, using guns, hacking, engineer and science

Daisuke works under the Ryu Organisation as engineer, scientist and an assassin.

He is group consists of Artemis, Kaido and Itami.

He is a caring guy who puts others before him and has a quirky and humorous personality. He tends to get awkward very quickly if no one sparks a conversation especially with girls. Daisuke is very over protective with the people he loves especially his little sister Artemis.

He does the most random stupid things in his life like riding a trolley down a cliff with Itami and Kaido and lives to never regret doing it.

Daisuke loves inventing unique weapons for the organisation, he has great hacking skills that came in handy in the Organisation and Daisuke loves experimenting with science which he tends to use the power of science to explain things to people who have no logic towards that certain information *cough cough* flat eathers (note: not hating on anyone or what they believe in)

Gaming is also his passion with Call of Duty, Red dead redemption 2, God of war and Skyrim being is ultimate favourite. He also watches anime with Artemis. Naruto, One piece, Attack on titan, dragon balls and Highschool DxD being is favourite.

Dangos, coffee and donburi being his favourite food.

Daisuke despises history as it bores him to death, he hates all arts (because he isn't good at them), he hates people who are fake and stupid to the point he can't deal with their stupidity and he hates reading books as in story books.

His whole world revolves around science na technology.

Ps his favourite animal is a wolf, dogs as well.

Ps his favourite animal is a wolf, dogs as well

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(He has brown eyes not blue)

Name: Tanaka Kaido

Age: 25

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