Chapter 72 - Raven's fly

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"AHHHHHHH!" Homura deafening scream had rattle my ear drums. He had clung himself on my face, his feathery wings wrapped around my head for dear life.

"ARTEMIS, I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE GROUND!" the squawky screeches echoed through the sky and the people that flew past us gave me an irritated glare through their windows.

However, they weren't the only that was getting annoyed by this loud yell of this raven. I was clenching my hands together preventing myself from throwing this fox out from this wooden carriage and watch him fall.

I bet the coach was getting irritated from Homura as well, threatening to himself that he was going to burst in and strangle the bird to death.

The Pegasus weren't even going in a fast pace but a smooth regular pace that soured gracefully through the sky, making their way to the huge bridge trail that spanned wide and long as a huge and tall gate skyed to the top, built on the bridge.


"Get off of me you pesky bird" I fumed at him, trying to pull the raven off my face. "NOOOO! I'M GOING TO DIE!" he squawked even louder as his grip around my head had tightened. "You are not going to die unless I through you off the carriage if you keep this up" I fought him off my face with a huge tug back. "AHHH!"

I held him mid air by the back. He had hugged himself as if I seen him featherless and naked. "We are nearly there" I whispered angrily, my eye lid twitching from irritation and my lips forming a grimace smile. He slowly peek his head back to take a look but soon regretted "NOOO!"

I stared at the screaming bird with a blank expression crossing my face clearly exasperated with his childish behaviour "You're so hopeless" mumbling, I released the bird and he dropped to the wooden floor of the carriage with a cry of terror before landing with an oof and a thud.

"I dead but I'm still alive" Homura whined with a cry, lifting his head so his voice wouldn't be muffled. I crossed my hands against my chest and rolled my eyes, leaning back to rest my back. This old body was getting on my nerves, I don't want to get old now if I have this kind of trouble in the future. My feet were so small that it had taken me an hour or two to reach to the place they flied people up here. Stupid tiny old feet.

I can't believe I'm already here in Ventus. Time had went quickly with just a blink of an eye and I'm riding in a carriage to the palace of Ventus to diagnose Ben.

But I'm praying that the disease or illness isn't surgical or how am I going to explain to these ancient people that hasn't gone far with healthcare about how I'm going to open him up to cure him. I think they will call me crazy and try to arrest me for trying to open up the prince.

Not to mention I'm an old woman, they will definitely think I'm a witch who is trying to assassinate the prince.

A long sigh of distress slipped through my lips. I don't know what to do anymore, it's either test my luck or just turn around and leave it.

"Why do you humans love to torture us animals" Homura cried silently now hiding under his wings, trembling with fear. It's confusing to see him like this when he was completely normal flying on Demarcus a few times. Maybe he hasn't flown for a while and the fear had got to him again. I don't know.

"We are arriving at the great sky bride of Taivas" the coach called back alarming me out of my inner thoughts. "Ahh~ thank God" Homura sighed a relief, fake tears seen falling down his onyx eyes as he peeked his head out a little. Clicking my tongue, I rolled my eyes.

I looked over to see us descending downwards, the white wings of the Pegasus' flapping widely against the wind while the coach lead them down to platinum concrete path. I held on to the window frame for safety, watching how we went down and trying to ignore Homura's constant crying and screaming. We had descended down, the sounds of carriage rolling on the concrete slab and the gallops of horse hooves against was loud in my ears.

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