Chapter 13 - Maps

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I traced my index finger on the map I found in the geography isle containing books about Alphyria's geography.

The whole 6 kingdoms were on it. Aureum was in the middle. Obviously. After all, it is the strongest and mightiest out of the 5 human empires. Ventus being in the far top of the map on top of the Aureum empire, surrounded by mountains and guarded by what looked like tornadoes. Isvand was at the bottom of the map, occupying most of the lower land for itself and its seas and it looked like it was covered by mostly by ice. 'No shit. Isvand is Danish word for ice water.'

Terra was the empire on the east side of the map occupied mostly by desert and forests, the Drakon Empire was on the west side, mostly surrounded by volcanoes due to the lands being once owned by dragons but ever since of the 7th Emperor of the Drakon empire 600 years ago Dragons have been under human rule and used as beings to worth a human's power.

Each of these empires' borders have some sort of magic, natural disaster or creature guarding the land. other places, villages and towns were also written on the map as well. Looking at it now, the kingdom of Aureum is the biggest empire with the borders lining around, shaping like a disabled circle, meanwhile on the far-right side of the map was a huge island separating itself from the rest of the world except for the two lands from the corners connecting to lands of Alphyria. Yet its labelled as cursed forests.

This land must be where the Elvish king lives. The Isle of Dryadales. Land of the elves. 'Seriously author, what is up with these Latin words?'.

According to the novel, they isolated themselves from the human world not wanting to take any part in their life or anything in that matter. What the author actually meant was that the elves hated the humans after their betrayal of going behind their kings back and using the crystal. 'I know how that feels'

"I definitely need this map if I'm going to navigate myself through this world" I mumbled to myself as I scanned the map and spotted a few disturbing things. 'But that's not the least of my problem'.

I have completely forgotten what lurks in this world. Unlike my world where normal animals lived in forests, mountains, etc for example tigers, bears, wolves and so on. This world contained monsters. Mythical monsters if you know what I'm saying and with this weak body, I defiantly, 100% don't have enough stamina and strength like my old body to take them down.

'God you could have at least let me remain in my own original body'.

That's another goal I must add to my already cramped list. Exercise and train this god damn fragile body of Diana's. 'But in a week!'

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my temples. "I guess I must train while I'm on the road".

"Ouch! what in the gods name happened" I flinched at the sudden voice that echoed in the library.

'Has the old man risen from the dead already? Shit. This old geezer better not snitch on me'

"My lady Diana are still in here" the old man's surprising gentle voice was heard from the sudden echo of the library.

'Should I answer him or ignore him and run away before he sees me' I pondered over my thoughts while the sounds of footsteps could be heard.

'It's not like I'm guilty of throwing the book at his face out of pure instinct it's just because I have no mood to talk to people right now.' I scratched my cheek with my index finger.

"My lady Diana there you are" I was startled and my instinct acted on its own again.

This time he dodged the flying book by shielding it off with another book of his own.

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