Chapter 98 - Man made Monster

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We walked along the man-made path....

Except for Jackal, who was leaping on the rows of placed stones along the path. His brown cloak would fly up whenever he took a jump, and his silver eyes glittered with amusement and whenever he landed successfully on a cobble stone, he would giggle softly to himself, silently cheering himself on.

Watching him from a glance, I felt an unfamiliar feeling beginning to stir in me. A bitter feeling that spiralled in my mind as my heart sank deep. I could sense a dark shadow beginning to weigh heavily on me.

'Was this envy?'

I glanced away from him quickly before something else begins to grow in me. 'I hate children'


That's not right.

I don't hate children.

I hate that they are able to have something I had always wanted when I was forced to grow quickly and become a killing machine.

I had never thought of it many years ago, but I can't lie that there was a time when I wanted to be a child again in front of Daisuke's eyes.

I wanted him to believe I was still his little sister, I wanted to but I could never bring that back, I was lost in the darkness without any light to find my way out and I just let the darkness submerge me.


'She's a monster'

'A demon in human skin'

'How could someone like her be in our ranks?'

'I don't want to train with her.'

'I heard she became master's favourite'

'Didn't she already kill a fully grown adult'

The whispers didn't faze the odd little girl who stood in the centre of her accomplishment, her red eyes stared emotionless at the grovelling kids, spiralled all over the floor. Each one had taken a hit from Artemis without the knowing what had hit them.

She felt no sympathy for sending them flying towards the ground, so harshly that may have landed a bruise or two.

Artemis sensed a cold piercing stare from affair. It was like a blizzard of ice shards that stabbed her back constantly, it had rose the hairs of her neck. The little girl already knew whose demonising stare would feel so cold and threatening.

Turning her head to the back, she watched as the flicker of black disappeared through the door.

The master was defiantly watching her training and since he already was entertained with what he saw, he had left.

Just like he always has.

"Was there any reason for you to be so harsh with training?" a venomous tone brought Artemis attention to a kid, a little older than her, mostly her big brothers age.

His dark black hair hanged down his dark eyes, but she could feel his deathly glare that gazed at her. Artemis looked down at him so half-heartedly, examining his pitiful state. The boy's cheek was a little red and swollen from the punch she had sent him earlier.

"Then it gives you more of a reason to keep training harder" Artemis answered coldly, her red eyes was seen to be even more cold than her icy statement.

The boy's expression scrunched, and he bared his teeth, feeling insulted by her words. How could someone small and younger than him be in this rank, telling him what to do. Was it because she was favoured by the master and sent to his rank?

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