Chapter 47 - Out of control

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Ciel couldn't help but stare at the mysterious girl. Her long silver hair glimmered under the light of the moon, gently dancing with the rhythm of the wind. Her gorges blue eyes were like sapphires glowing under the light as it stared into the dragon's green emerald like eyes. Something about her hair brought back the memories about the mysterious white-haired woman from 14 years ago.

Ciel stared at how she gently stroked Demarcus' scaly head with delicate a hand that was that resembled the colour of the snow.

She looked so gentle with the giant reptile in front of her, caressing it like it's her first time. She was one a few women who could go near a dragon without shrieking and cowering away, in fear if the dragon would eat her whole.

She didn't realise her hood had fallen down revealing her face she hid from the world because she was busy enjoying stroking Demarcus.

It seemed like the woman sensed the intense stare coming from the man not far from her and turned her attention to him. Ciel averted his eyes away, looking somewhere else as if he didn't look at her in the begging.

She quickly grasped the situation and put her hood over her head and stepped back, tightly hugging the fox in her arms as if she was protecting him from danger.

"Can I go see the other dragons?" her words came out cold yet polite in some way.

Ciel frowned, "I deeply apologise madam, but the dragons are at rest tonight" he couldn't see her face behind the hood, so he waited patiently for her response.

"Is that so" she said in disappointment, lowering her head and looking at the fox. "Can you make an exception?"

"Exception?" Ciel crossed his hands and rose a thin eyebrow. "I'm sorry but that I can't do. The dragons won't respond in the night no matter what we apply them to" he refused with a shake of his head.

Artemis knew she couldn't negotiate with someone who knew more about dragons then her. She couldn't risk riding a dragon that would leave her halfway through her journey because it realised, she wasn't a worthy rider.

Neither was she a Karen to argue with the worker and call for the manager. How many times she seen those kinds of people on the streets of New York when she was on missions and on social media.

"Come tomorrow morning when the dragons are fully rested and ready to choose" Ciel suggested with a smile that showed a little hint of guilt for turning her away.

"Thank you" she mumbled, feeling outraged of herself for taking so long for coming here. If only she got here sooner maybe she could have gotten a dragon however there was only 40% chance a dragon will agree with her, being it's rider. After all she is occupying Diana's body and in the novel no dragon wanted her as their rider and trainer. Artemis was hoping that maybe since she was not Diana it would be different but this dragon denying her lost all her confidence.

"Well then I'll be leaving because I have a long night ahead of me." he said patting the dragons leg one last time. "You should be going as well. Susan, the blond-haired girl with ponytail will open the gate for you when you get to the entrance." Ceil explained.

"I will be the first to help you with the dragons if you decide to come tomorrow. You have my word" he placed his left hand on his chest and bowed.

Lifting his head up and staring through her cloak, he smiled. "Goodnight and goodnight to you too, Demarcus" Ciel looked at Demarcus before turning his heel and walked off with a wave. She frowned 'I don't have till tomorrow'

Demarcus lowered his head to her level and let a small huff of hot breath at her "I'm sorry human girl but I'm not the dragon you should be seeking"

Artemis stroked the dragons head again with a smile. "It's alright, I had a feeling you would decline my offer".

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