Authors note

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Hello my dear readers of wattpad 👋👋👋
It's me! Your dear author Yuki.
Back with another unnecessary authors note which probably got u guys excited thinking it was a chapter update. Well sorry to say it's not but fret not I'm working on the next chapter sooooooooo we will be getting the next update in like a day or two depends how long I'm not lazy and not get writers block half way through.
Either way this authors note is very special....
I think.
So a short story before I get into the point.
I was sitting on my bed scrolling through Pinterest when I came across something that made go 'hey I just thought of an idea'
You know those people doodles people do that relates to really anything, like a friend group or couples or something something.
Well I came across a few that made me relate to the characters of 'The Villainess only wants to go home' .
So I took the doodles from Pinterest and made them into my characters. (They are not my drawings and they belong to their rightful owner except for the hairs that I added. If they belong to u and u want them down I will gladly take them down).
I have done like four of them and I'm actually pretty proud of them.
So here they are I hope u like them and I hope they make u laugh or whatever. ENJOY!


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They ideas and drawings don't belong to me except for the hairs

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They ideas and drawings don't belong to me except for the hairs. I'm saying this the second time so people don't attack me.
Anyway I'll probably be adding one of these drawings at the end of each chapter from now on because I think they are funny and cute at the same time.
If u don't like them and u want me to stop then I will. But hey I actually enjoy drawing them and relating to them.
Nevertheless I hope u enjoy reading my novel and thanks for all the comments you guys leave, I read all of them and sometimes respond to them (if necessary) and thank u for voting even tho I don't know what they are used for.
I love all of u guys and thanks to the readers who stayed to this day and continued reading.
Bye bye for now and stay tuned for the next chapter.

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The Villainess only wants to go homeWhere stories live. Discover now