Chapter 105 - Brats Accomplishment

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"You're not trying to take a dump, you dumbass" I explained, hitting the top of Jackals head with a karate chop making the kid jolt in surprise. The little thief pouted his lips and mumbled a sorry, rubbing his head in doing so.

"Don't apologise for silly mistakes. Correct it and learn from them." I lightly flicked in between his brow. Jackal said nothing as he rubbed the spot I had flicked, with two of his fingers, his eyes continuing to watch me, still annoyed he can't get the position of the Choku Zuki right, when it's the most basic move.

"Now copy what I'm doing exactly. Legs spread a little wide but not far apart, or it just looks like your trying to do the front splits" I began to explain again as I demonstrated with my body. "Bend your knees and hold your firm, with your hands like this". My hands were clenched in a tight fist beside my waist and ready to punch.

"You look so stupid" Homura commented while he watched from the dying embers of the campfire with those amber eyes of his as if he was watching a movie. He lay on his stomach, paw over the other paw like a little dive dog he is.

Homura looked bored and the only thing he thought he could do to entertain himself his mock my training.

I rolled my eyes at the fox and still continued what I was doing, ignoring him in doing so.

Jackal's eyes focused on me and began to analyse me from top to bottom, his expression was stone like and determined to get it right this time.

Once the little thief finished studying me, he redid his position and posture. "Like this?" he looked up at me with bright silver eyes that beamed faith in his stance.

I studied his pose, the way he held his hands, the distance of how far he spread his legs and his upper body that stood confidently.

He waited for my response

"Good now-"

"I did it!" Jackal beamed joyfully, his mouth wide into an open grin ad his silvers shimmered.

"Yeah, you did" I exclaimed bluntly, not even caring about something so stupid.

His a dumb a kid.

That's all I gotta say.

"Well, congratulations on you brat" his sarcastic tone sly as ever when he spoke "now why don't you run along into the forest and never come back. Hmm. Saves me the trouble of looking at your pathetic state" The fox said with a grimly humour.

My clenched fist beside my waist throbbed, craving to punch that annoying fox back to the hole he came from.

"Seems like Homura is happy with my accomplishment!" Jackal said with an enthusiastic tone.

With a blank look, I glanced over at Homura and locked my icy blue eyes with the displeased stare of the fox's amber eyes. We both stared at each as if we just heard the dumbest thing.

For a slight second, just a second, I had wanted to tell the kid the truth but with such a golden heart I have I decided not to and lower Jackal's self-esteem.

"I have never found such amusement in watching how dumb and naïve this human brat is" Homura's mischievous eyes watched slyly at Jackal.

"Homura said he is very proud of you and that you should keep it up" I lied to Jackal and watched his expression brighten up and he grinned widely, revealing his teeth.

His so easily fooled.

Do I feel bad lying to this kid?


Homura on the other hand was not very pleased with what I had said, he rose up and decided otherwise "I said no shit! STOP CREATING SUCH IMPRESSIONS OF ME TO THE HUMAN BRAT!" Homura shouted back and startled Jackal from his spot. "I don't him to goggle next to me whenever his in his sad pathetic state"

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