Chapter 50 - Dominate

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Homura was sleeping soundly in my arms. His little tongue was sticking out and so was his legs. He looked like a runover animal sleeping in my arms.

Demarcus breathing was unstable, and he was flying slower then before. He hadn't stopped flying since last night. The sun was already rising from the east, lighting up the world again.

"Demarcus let's rest, you need it" I patted him. He let out a grunt and then dived down where a small rocky hill was. With my spare hand I grasped Demarcus spine while tightly holding Homura. "AHHHHHHH" I was startled by Homura's sudden shrieking. Demarcus huffed in annoyance, flapping his wings wildly as he slowly landed on the rocky ground of the cliff. Homura was frightened and he was breathing quickly in my ear. "I think I feel my heart in the wrong place"

I gave him a questioned look. "I think it's near my tail" he peeked his head to look at his tail.

"My heart has moved down" he mumbled, sounding like a drunk guy. I rolled my eyes at his stupid remarks.

Demarcus suddenly collapsed, his wings spreading out and he was slumped down, with a every inhale he took me and Homura rose up and down.

Stroking his scaly spine, I praised him. "You did well now rest. I'll get you something to eat"

I got up and walked towards his wings before sliding down like a slide and landing silently on the rocky surface.

"What is the diet of a dragon?" I asked. "I prefer deer" he said under the breathless tone of his. I nodded my head.

Demarcus green eyes were heavy, and he was trying to keep them open enough to talk to me. "Artemis" he said getting my full attention. "That power of yours. You mustn't reveal it to anyone, no one must know you possess great magic".

"Not even the king of Drakon must know of it" there was a hint of hatred in his voice as he bared his sharp teeth.

I nodded my head. "Only God would know what he will try to do to you" is what he said lastly and then to turn his head to the forest ahead of us and closing his eyes.

"Oh, and Artemis"


"Be careful in the forest. Dangerous creatures lurk these parts of the woods" he hummed. I nodded my head in response. 'Such a thoughtful dragon' I couldn't help but smile.

"Since you can control dragons, can you make him jump of a cliff" Homura whispered to me. I looked down at him and he was staring at me with an innocent grin across his snout. "I'm only kidding, please don't skin me alive"

I sighed with a shake of my head. "You will never change"

"what's wrong with my personality?" Homura was baffled, looking at me with his amber eyes insulted by my comment on him. "Your wrapped up in oneself, a dramatic diva and arrogant little fox" I started to walk towards Demarcus, pointing at all Homura's personal flaws.

He gasped with his paw on his chest.

"You take that back" he poked my chin, narrowing his eyes at me. "Nope. They are for you to reflect on yourself and change" I said stopping beside Demarcus long lizard like neck. "Well then if we are going to reflect on our personality, then here is some for 'you'" he growled, poking my chin again.

"Your nothing but a short tempered, stupid, useless, clueless, sadistic and rather selfish human I have ever met" he poked at me with every insult he said, and it felt like arrows were piercing my heart. A vein throb appeared on my temples. "I don't need you to describe my faults and I'm the first human you ever met" I said with a twitching smile.

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