End of Season 2 - Chapter 88 - The New Formed Squad

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I wiped my last kunai on one of the man's clothes to clean off the blood. I wasn't going to spoil my clothes with blood that would troublesome to clean off. I had stabbed each one in the head to make sure they were completely dead.

Slipping the blade back into my pouch, I glanced at the brat who had calmed down a little, he had got up from where he sat yet he was a little shaky, still not recovered from the traumatic event and the man he killed earlier. I didn't say anything and let him recover on his own. I'm not the the type of person that would give hugs and comfort them. It's either I stand there and give them a few words before leaving or just not say anything and mind my own business.

Not a great person I am and I know that but not everyone is rainbows and sunshine.

"You should get back to Taivas before you get yourself caught in more trouble" I said as I rummage the dead bodies for anything valuable. I peeked up to give Jackal a blank yet serious look that made him gaze down at his feet ashamed "And yet this time you won't be lucky to have me to save your ass" I stated while finding a pouch that was hidden in the man's long sleeve. It jingled of coins when shook it. I pulled the strap back and the material spread apart to form a opening. Peeking inside it I could count a few copper coins a 3 silvers. I felt a sense of deja vu when I tied the pouch shut.

Glancing down at the dead body, the hood had fallen off his head revealing identity of the dude.

Coal like hair that came down to his chin, oily and dry to the eye. His skin was a pale like colour as if he had been sick for days, his little facial hair was not groomed and there was a huge cut on his lip. There was a huge scar that came down his forehead and down his chin, it was definitely not something you would miss if looking at him. His eyes were wide open yet what made me uncomfortable was the colour of his eyes.

They were like black marble orbs placed into holes and left there, red veins circled the brown pupil of the eye as it stared aimlessly into the sky without a single form of life in them.

Creepily it felt like he was staring at me, warning me to put his belongings where I found them or else he would revive from the dead and kill me.

"You don't need these once your dead. So why don't you just" with my foot I pushed his body, turning his body to fall on his face "stay dead and let me look after your stuff"

"I still want to come with you"

I cocked my head to the side to look up at Jackal who stood in front of me with a determined look, hips hands beside him and clenched into a fist. My expression turned blank, staring at him as if he was an idiot. 'He was literally having a total metal down a few seconds ago about killing a guy and coming with means killing more guys. How does that even work? I'm confused'

"Not a chance, kid" I disagreed without batting an eye while I searched the other dead body for anything else, maybe some good potions or magical weapons.

"Please Artemis. I can be a great help with... carrying your things and being an errand boy" the silvered eyed boy pleaded, the desperate tone that he sounded out.

"You mean you would be a pain in the ass and would need saving every second of the day" I said corrected with sarcasm while I stuffed my hand in a satchel. I felt something rubbery touch my palm so I snatched and took it. My expression turned to disgust the moment I saw it. It was toe and a giant one too.

The skin was rubbery and the hue of the skin was dark and musty, the nail had turned a dark grey. 'Ew'

"What is that?" Homura's amber eyes reflected curiosity as he titled his little fluffy orang head to the side, black furred ears pointing up in the sky and his little paw scratching the back of his triangular ear.

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