Chapter 58 - Devil that speaks

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I stared at the white ceiling above me for what seemed like hours. It was the same blank walls of hell, that brought me to the world of the novel.

I lay on the hard cold floor of the room with my legs and arms spread out, staring with an empty mind.I let out a long sigh of boredom, feeling the dullness of the room circle my vision. "When will I wake up?" it was getting boring staying here for hours with nothing in end.

I had given up on waiting for something to happen hours ago and just laid on the ground staring into blankness, counting sheep so I can fall asleep and wake up back in the novel world. I reached 6,890 white sheep's but then gave up because I wasn't getting the result I wanted.

Sighing again I closed my eyes in hopes of falling asleep this time. I felt like I was in the same position for no longer than an hour when something spiky tinkled my nose and cheeks.

Filling annoyed, I wiped down my face with my palm. It seemed like it wasn't going away, caressing my cheeks and nose with a tinkle. I grumbled in annoyance, wiping down my face again.

I had thought things wouldn't have gotten worse when I felt something warm and soft poke the tip of my nose.

I wrinkled my nose.

There it was again, the soft poke on the tip of my nose. A visible throb appeared on my temple and my mind telling me to punch whatever was annoying me.

The tickles of the unknown thing and another poke on my nose made me forcefully open my eyes. I was caught off guard when my eyes met with a familiar pair of icy blue eyes as if they were topaz staring down at me in confusion.

She had chubby pink cheeks that was noticeable due to her milky porcelain skin and the thing that was ticking my face was her long wavy silver white hair that hung down her head.

'How come I didn't sense her presence?'

My eye twitched in annoyance when the individual that was looking down at me with confusion written all over her face was a bratty kid, bending over to face me.

"You look rather different for a person. Are you perhaps from a far away land?" her English accent was strong yet for a young kid she was rather formal and polite in her manners.

"Congratulations for stating the obvious, Sherlock" I grumbled mockingly. The brat looked even more confused before starting to giggle behind her little hand like a graceful noble lady from the 17th century.

"Your funny" an innocent smile crossed her face.I looked to the left then to the right before averting my eye back to her. "I don't get how that was funny?"

"But you have mistaken my name, Miss. It's not Sherlock but Diana" she lowered her head in a bow as she introduced herself.

My eyes widened at the mention of the familiar name. "Diana" I accidently blurted it out. Little Diana looked surprised for a second before softening a little.

"So, you are aware of who I am?"

"No, and I'm not planning on to" I sneered.

Diana. Diana. Diana. I know I heard that name from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it no matter how many times I try to. It's like the names there but the person isn't, it's too far for me to reach and grab a hold of.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing who you are?" she asked placing a hand on her chest.

"Hello Diana, my name is fuck off and let me be" I consulted in a growl, sneering at her in annoyance that the brat had the audacity to wake me up.

The little brat gasped silently behind her hand and her expression changed into an angry pout as she put her hands on her hips. "A lady like you should never use such foul language"

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