Chapter 68 - The Traveling Tree

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It has been a long week since the day I arrived in Elisaria's cottage in the dark forest of Viridis, 4 days since Homura left to return to mother nature and the same tiring week of training this body to keep up with my abilities yet it still had a long way to go before I could be able to fight in full strength and stamina like my original body.

Nevertheless, the weight of the katana has gotten lighter in my hands then the first time I had held it 2 weeks ago. In general Diana's body has gotten used to the intense swinging and running around a 10km block 3 times a day but the strength not so much however I'm getting there.... Barely.

Furthermore, I had used my spare time to poison my weapons with the Veleno flower I picked up from the forest grounds of Viridis. Elisaria had helped with processing it and giving me advice on how to extract the poison even if she did feel weary and suspicious about it yet didn't question me and minded her own business.

I followed behind Elisaria through the forest where she lead me to the Andmine Arbor which she promised to take me to when I had healed and when it bloomed. We didn't talk throughout the 3 hours walk with Alaric behind us. Not an utter of word between us and I liked that, I had the time to myself to think of my plans and admire the scenery of the forest and it's creatures.

It was this morning I had bathed in the enchanting lake of the fairies before slipping into my clean and sewed Kimono and packed my supplies into my bag and said farewell to Demarcus who was going to stay with Elisaria until his wing had healed before setting off to home in Argentum, returning to the rightful place he belonged just like how I will later.

I'm won't lie to myself, but it was heartbreaking saying goodbye to the dragon that kindly got you this far even if he was forcefully taken from his home by the person who caused it. The gentle emerald eyes of the dragon that stared into my inner soul, the one that made me feel that I wasn't some sort of human monster, a curse to my family and cold-hearted killer from the 21st century that was feared among my organisations.

The feeling of my heart being punctured by needles over and over again was overbearing, deep inside I found myself wanting to bring him with me, but I knew that was going to cause a lot of panic to the people in my world. Not wanting to feel such heart ache feeling, I had forced it to become a shadow behind my heart. A short memory of happiness that was taken away by the darkness again.

My heart is a compass with the arrow set on pointing to the one thing that thrives me to continue living.

"Here we are" I was taken away from my train of thoughts by Elisaria bored tone. She stood with her hand shoving a hovering leaf branch out of the way for me to see what laid beyond it. My eyes grew bigger than walnut as it laid upon a pink leafed tree that grew on a little island of itself encircled by a crystal-clear lake.

It's branches twirled in a swirl as little white crystals hung down from the pink leaves making it glitter under the sun. A long white diamond shaped crystal grew from the centre of the trunk, small branches clung around it like heart trapped in a caged rib.

It was the most beautiful tree I had ever laid eyes on. So, fantasy like.

"When ya done staring, tell me so we can go" Elisaria had to ruin the sudden mood I had by her sarcasm manner. I glanced at her with a poker face expression feeling the owl likes eyes penetrate my inner soul as she smacked her lips together awaiting for my answer.

"Old ladies first" I bowed like a butler escorting a lady to the main room. "Huh" she scoffed.

"A young lass who knows her manners" the old witch cackled under the screechy tone of hers that made a tingle go up my spine as she strolled in, the branch swinging to a close behind her. My face brows knitted perfectly into a scowl as I heard her cackles echo. 'Tch, you're lucky your old'

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